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Linkerd - Commands



This branch has scripts that works with Linkerd stable-2.6.0 release.

Installing Linkerd

Copy and paste command as you practice.

Command to list Linkerd releases so far

curl -Ls | grep tag_name

To install Linkerd CLI in the VM environment

cd ## Switch to the home directory
export LINKERD2_VERSION=stable-2.6.0 
curl -s -L | sh - 

Edit and source your local .bashrc and add linkerd2 to the path

vi ~/.bashrc

## Add these two lines

export LINKERD2_VERSION=stable-2.6.0
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.linkerd2/bin

source ~/.bashrc

Validate Linkerd client version

linkerd version

Prerequisites required for installing Linkerd

linkerd check --pre

Grant cluser_admin privilege to the service account default for the linkerd namespace

kubectl create clusterrolebinding linkerd-cluster-role-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --group=system:serviceaccounts:linkerd

Run the linkerd install command

linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

Run linkerd check to make sure if an installation has succeeded or stuck at some step

linkerd check

Run linkerd version to check the client and the server version

linkerd version

Verify the Linkerd deployments

kubectl -n linkerd get deployments

Verify the Linkerd services

kubectl -n linkerd get services

Verify Linkerd pods

kubectl -n linkerd get pods

Separation of Roles and Responsibilities

Cluster Administrator

To create objects that require cluster-admin role run

linkerd install config | kubectl apply -f -

To validate the objects, run:

linkerd check config

Application Administrator

To install control pane run:

linkerd install control-plane | kubectl apply -f -

Above failed since linkerd is already installed

Accessing Linkerd Dashboard

cd ~/ # Switch to home directory
git clone
cd linkerd
git checkout $LINKERD2_VERSION
cd scripts

Ingress Gateway

We will now install nginx Ingress controller

helm repo add nginx-stable
helm repo update
helm install nginx-stable/nginx-ingress --name nginx --namespace kube-system \
--set fullnameOverride=nginx \
--set \
--set \
--set \

Check the ingress controller service

kubectl -n kube-system get services -o wide -l

Create an entry in /etc/hosts for the following host

export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip}') ; echo $INGRESS_HOST

sudo sed -i '/dashboard.linkerd.local/d' /etc/hosts
echo "$INGRESS_HOST dashboard.linkerd.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Define an ingress rule to route traffic from dashboard.linkerd.local to Linkerd internal dashboard

cat 01-create-linkerd-ingress.yaml
kubectl -n linkerd apply -f 01-create-linkerd-ingress.yaml

Check if the ingress is working

curl -s -H "Host: dashboard.linkerd.local" http://$INGRESS_HOST | grep -i title

Installing Linkerd demo emoji app

Grant grant cluster_admin role to emojivoto

kubectl create clusterrolebinding emojivoto-cluster-role-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --group=system:serviceaccounts:emojivoto

Installing emojivoto application

curl -Ls | kubectl apply -f -

Check the application status

kubectl -n emojivoto get deployments,services,pods

Create emojivoto.linked.local entry in /etc/hosts

export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip}') ; echo $INGRESS_HOST
sudo sed -i '/emojivoto.linkerd.local/d' /etc/hosts
echo "$INGRESS_HOST emojivoto.linkerd.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Create emojivoto ingress rule

cat 02-create-emojivoto-ingress.yaml
kubectl -n emojivoto apply -f 02-create-emojivoto-ingress.yaml

Check emojivoto app

curl -s -H "Host: emojivoto.linkerd.local" http://$INGRESS_HOST | grep -i title

Inject linkerd sidecar proxy to the emoji application

kubectl get -n emojivoto deploy -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -

let's check deployment, services, and pods

kubectl -n emojivoto get deployments

We will check pods

kubectl -n emojivoto get pods

let's check services

kubectl -n emojivoto get services

Installing booksapp application

Admission webhook is enabled automatically when we installed a linkerd control plane

kubectl -n linkerd get deploy -l

Grant cluster-admin role to linkerd-lab namespace

kubectl create clusterrolebinding linkerd-lab-cluster-role-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=linkerd:default

Create a namespace linkerd-lab

cat 03-create-namespace-sidecar-enabled-annotation.yaml
kubectl apply -f 03-create-namespace-sidecar-enabled-annotation.yaml

Install booksapp microservice application from

curl -Ls | kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f -

Check the network services.

kubectl -n linkerd-lab get svc

Check the pod status of booksapp

kubectl -n linkerd-lab get pods

Describe one of the pods above to see its contents

kubectl -n linkerd-lab describe pod -l app=authors

Create booksapp.linked.local entry in /etc/hosts

sudo sed -i '/booksapp.linkerd.local/d' /etc/hosts
echo "$INGRESS_HOST booksapp.linkerd.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Create booksapp ingress rule

cat 04-create-booksapp-ingress.yaml
kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f 04-create-booksapp-ingress.yaml

Check web app through curl

curl -s -H "Host: booksapp.linkerd.local" http://$INGRESS_HOST | grep -i /title

End of Linkerd install and demo apps


Change to scripts directory

cd ~/linkerd/scripts

Scale voting and web deployments from 1 to 2 replicas

kubectl -n emojivoto scale deploy voting --replicas=2

kubectl -n emojivoto scale deploy web --replicas=2

Check the stats on deployment using linkerd CLI

linkerd -n emojivoto stat deployments

Check aggregated information at the pod level for each web and voting pods

linkerd -n emojivoto stat pods

Now go to a browser locally or in the VM and run http://dashboard.linkerd.local

linkerd top example - shows metrics from traffic to webapp microservice

linkerd top deployment/traffic --namespace linkerd-lab \
--to deployment/webapp --to-namespace linkerd-lab --path /books --hide-sources

setting up a service profile

validate if a service profile is deployed

kubectl -n linkerd-lab get crd | grep -i linkerd

look at booksapp services

kubectl -n linkerd-lab get svc

Look at the routes that Linkerd discovers

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes services

create a service profile using a linkerd profile command

linkerd profile --template webapp -n linkerd-lab > webapp.yaml
cat webapp.yaml

Edit the generated template to match the one given below

cat 05-create-service-profile-web.yaml

Deploy the above Service Profile for webapp service

kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f 05-create-service-profile-web.yaml

let's see if the linkerd route command picks up the new additional routes

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes services/webapp

Following linkerd profile commands to see the generated profile

linkerd -n linkerd-lab profile --open-api webapp.swagger webapp

linkerd -n linkerd-lab profile --open-api authors.swagger authors

linkerd -n linkerd-lab profile --open-api books.swagger books

let's create Linkerd Kubernetes primitive Service Profiles

linkerd -n linkerd-lab profile --open-api webapp.swagger webapp | kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f -

linkerd -n linkerd-lab profile --open-api books.swagger books| kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f -

linkerd -n linkerd-lab profile --open-api authors.swagger authors | kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f -

Check the service profile definition created in linkerd-lab namespace

kubectl -n linkerd-lab get serviceprofile

Let's check per route metrics accumulated from webapp service

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/webapp

Check per route metrics accumulated from authors service

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/authors

example shows traffic aggregation from webapp service to authors service

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/webapp --to svc/authors

traffic from webapp to books

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/webapp --to svc/books

Retries test

Linkerd routes from books to authors and see the metrics

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/books --to svc/authors

edit the authors service profile

Add isRetryable: true for the route HEAD /authors/{id}.json

kubectl -n linkerd-lab patch sp authors.linkerd-lab.svc.cluster.local --type json --patch='[{"op": "add","path": "/spec/routes/4/isRetryable","value": true}]'

Linkerd will begin the retry requests to this route automatically

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/books --to svc/authors

the failing request is showing a 100% success rate but notice the latency has increased due to the retry

Retry budgets

an example of a retry budget that can be specified at the service profile level

cat << EOT | tee
    retryRatio: 0.2
    minRetriesPerSecond: 10
    ttl: 10s

Above shows the maximum time to live is 10 seconds and then the retry ratio is 20% of the total requests


Patch the service profile for authors.linkerd-lab.svc.cluster.local by adding line timeout: 25ms

kubectl -n linkerd-lab patch sp authors.linkerd-lab.svc.cluster.local \
--type json --patch='[{"op": "add","path": "/spec/routes/4/timeout","value": 25ms}]'

Check patched service profile

kubectl -n linkerd-lab get sp authors.linkerd-lab.svc.cluster.local -o yaml

Run linkerd route command to see the effect of timeout

linkerd -n linkerd-lab routes deploy/books --to svc/authors

After a timeout is implemented, you will notice that the success rate has reduced from 100%

Error code hunting

Linkerd shows a tap command line with the argument which is very nice to watch without using the UI

linkerd tap deployment/web --namespace emojivoto \
--to deployment/voting --to-namespace emojivoto \
--path /emojivoto.v1.VotingService/VoteDoughnut

End of Linkerd Reliability commands


Change directory to scripts

cd ~/linkerd/scripts

Validating mTLS on Linkerd

Check the TLS status of traffic

You will see live traffic from all existing deployments

linkerd tap deploy -n linkerd-lab

Check the linkerd identity log

kubectl -n linkerd -c identity -l logs

Using trusted certificates for control plane

Using smallstep PKI to generate keys and certificates

Add the helm repository to get the chart

helm repo add smallstep

check the helm repository list

helm repo list

Update helm repository with smallstep chart

helm repo update

Install smallstep certificate through the newly added helm chart

helm install --name step --namespace step smallstep/step-certificates \
--set fullnameOverride="step" --set ca.db.enabled=false

Check the status of step pods

kubectl -n step get pods

Creating Step root and intermediate

kubectl -n step exec -t step-0 -- step certificate create --profile root-ca "My Root CA" root-ca.crt root-ca.key --no-password --insecure --force

kubectl -n step exec -t step-0 -- step certificate create identity.linkerd.cluster.local identity.crt identity.key --profile intermediate-ca --ca ./root-ca.crt --ca-key ./root-ca.key --no-password --insecure --force

Check the expiry date of the intermediate certificate

kubectl -n step exec -t step-0 -- step certificate inspect identity.crt --short

Extract certificates from the pod as we did not use a persistent volume while creating the step helm chart

kubectl -n step cp step-0:root-ca.crt /tmp/root-ca.crt

kubectl -n step cp step-0:identity.crt /tmp/identity.crt

kubectl -n step cp step-0:identity.key /tmp/identity.key

Reinstall control plane to use our certificates

Delete our current installation

linkerd install --ignore-cluster | kubectl delete -f -

Create a new Linkerd installation using trusted certificates

linkerd install \
--identity-trust-anchors-file /tmp/root-ca.crt \
--identity-issuer-key-file /tmp/identity.key \
--identity-issuer-certificate-file /tmp/identity.crt \
--ignore-cluster | kubectl apply -f -

Perform a linkerd check.

linkerd check

Create the ingress definitions to access the dashboard

cd ~/linkerd/scripts
kubectl -n linkerd apply -f 01-create-linkerd-ingress.yaml

Check the TLS status of traffic.

linkerd tap deploy -n linkerd

The certificate expiry time is 24 hours for the leaf certificates that Linkerd identity CA

Verify that by looking at the linkerd identity logs

kubectl -n linkerd -c identity -l logs

Validate the leaf certificate, and the key is stored in linkerd-identity-issuer secret

kubectl -n linkerd get secret linkerd-identity-issuer -o jsonpath='{.data.crt\.pem}' | base64 -d

The output from above matches with /tmp/identity.crt

kubectl -n linkerd get secret linkerd-identity-issuer -o jsonpath='{.data.key\.pem}' | base64 -d

Rotation of Identity certificates for microservices

Steps to re-generate and rotate the identity certificates

kubectl -n step exec -t step-0 -- step certificate create identity.linkerd.cluster.local identity.crt identity.key --profile intermediate-ca --ca ./root-ca.crt --ca-key ./root-ca.key --no-password --insecure --force

kubectl -n step cp step-0:identity.crt /tmp/identity.crt

kubectl -n step cp step-0:identity.key /tmp/identity.key

Delete the secret

kubectl -n linkerd delete secret linkerd-identity-issuer

Re-create secret with a new certificate

kubectl -n linkerd create secret generic linkerd-identity-issuer \
 --from-file=crt.pem=/tmp/identity.crt \

Restart identity control plane deployments to pick the new certificate

kubectl -n linkerd rollout restart deploy linkerd-identity

Check linkerd

linkerd check

Check leaf certificates issued to control plane components by Linkerd

kubectl -n linkerd -c identity -l logs

Secure Ingress Gateway

TLS termination

Create a leaf certificate for the booksapp.linkerd.local

kubectl -n step exec -t step-0 -- \
step certificate create booksapp.linkerd.local booksapp.crt booksapp.key \
--profile leaf --ca identity.crt --ca-key identity.key \
--no-password --insecure --force --kty=RSA --not-after=2160h

kubectl -n step cp step-0:booksapp.crt booksapp.crt
kubectl -n step cp step-0:booksapp.key booksapp.key

Pass the certificate chain along with the leaf certificate private key to the Nginx Ingress Controller

Create a certificate chain of leaf and intermediate

cat booksapp.crt /tmp/identity.crt  > ca-bundle.crt

Create a Kubernetes TLS secret booksapp-keys.

kubectl -n linkerd-lab create secret tls booksapp-keys --key booksapp.key --cert ca-bundle.crt

Modify Ingress definition to include TLS secret

cat 07-create-booksapp-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl -n linkerd-lab apply -f 07-create-booksapp-ingress-tls.yaml

Find out the nginx pod name.

NGINX_POD=$(kubectl -n kube-system get pod -l app=nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{}') ; echo $NGINX_POD

List the configurations pushed

kubectl -n kube-system exec -it $NGINX_POD -- ls -l /etc/nginx/conf.d

Check the configuration that was pushed

kubectl -n kube-system exec -it $NGINX_POD -- cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/linkerd-lab-booksapp.conf

List TLS secrets

kubectl -n kube-system exec -it $NGINX_POD -- ls -l /etc/nginx/secrets

Check secret that was just pushed - with certificate chain and private key

kubectl -n kube-system exec -it $NGINX_POD -- cat /etc/nginx/secrets/default

Check https://booksinfo.linkerd.local from web browser

Check TLS termination through curl

export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].port}') ; echo $INGRESS_PORT

export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip}') ; echo $INGRESS_HOST

rm -fr ~/.pki

curl -Ls -HHost:booksapp.linkerd.local \
--resolve booksapp.linkerd.local:$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT \
--cacert ca-bundle.crt https://booksapp.linkerd.local

End of Linkerd Security commands


Change directory

cd ~/linkerd/scripts

Gaining Insight into Service Mesh throup top command

linkerd top deployment --namespace emojivoto --hide-sources

Create Prometheus Ingress rule to connect to Prometheus

cat 06-create-prometheus-ingress.yaml
kubectl -n linkerd apply -f 06-create-prometheus-ingress.yaml

Create an entry in /etc/hosts for the prometheus.linkerd.local host.

export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip}') ; echo $INGRESS_HOST

sudo sed -i '/prometheus.linkerd.local/d' /etc/hosts

echo "$INGRESS_HOST prometheus.linkerd.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Run http://prometheus.linkerd.local from your browser

Test curl

curl -Ls -H "Host: prometheus.linkerd.local" http://prometheus.linkerd.local | grep title

External Prometheus integration

Call federation API

curl -Ls -G --data-urlencode 'match[]={job="linkerd-proxy"}' --data-urlencode 'match[]={job="linkerd-controller"}' http://prometheus.linkerd.local/federate | tail -100

Gather data directly from Linkerd proxies

export AUTHORS_PODIP=$(kubectl -n linkerd-lab get pods -l app=authors -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.podIP}') ; echo $AUTHORS_PODIP

curl -s http://$AUTHORS_PODIP:4191/metrics | tail -100

End of Linkerd Visibility commands