Determine the number of overlapping threads or api calls based upon the start time and end times and output the maximum number.
It is used to discover the amount of parallelism, which can be useful in debugging issues or configuring for optimal processing.
Optionally show the identifier for each process as well.
Written to learn Python.
Given an input file in the format 'start,end,process id'
Outputs lines in the form 'start, end, number of processes, list of each process'
2020-12-30T21:57:43.006572,2020-12-30T21:57:44.042572,1036,2,['id0', 'id1']
2020-12-30T21:57:44.042572,2020-12-30T21:58:35.771572,51729,1,['id1'] provides testdata
python3 test/ --count 30 | python3 overlap/
cat test/api-input.csv | python3 api-manager/ | python3 overlap/
Consider 3 threads each of which run units of work. On this diagram, Thread 1 processes Work A, then pauses, then processes Work D. Time passes from left to right.
We can break up the time into buckets, where each bucket begins when a unit of work either starts or finishes. On this diagram there are 6 buckets.
Collect all the start and end points of each unit of work into an ordered list of timestamps
nodes = [
T1 = [Astart, Bstart],
T2 = [Aend],
T3 = [Cstart],
T7 = [Dend]
Then create a bucket for each node
for each node in nodes
bucket = copy of previous bucket
for each point in node
if point is start
add Work to the bucket
else // point is end
remove Work from the bucket
Each bucket contains a list of Work that was performed.
bukets = [
[A, B], // B1
[B], // B2
[B, C], // B3
[C], // B4
[C, D], // B5
[D] // B6
The bucket with the largest list represents the most parallism. By storing the start and end of bucket you can also work out the duration of the buckets.