Implemented Enhancements:
- Generate "real" random Lorentzian spectra in mapping simulation mode.
Internal Changes:
- Adjust mapping countdown for better execution time prediction.
Fixed Bugs:
- Auto-save mapping progress every 20 % to backup memory issues during manual save.
- Automatically set drive and CCD to simulation mode if not connected on mapping start.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Add full-screen mode for spectrum (in separate window).
- Device calibration files can now be selected from the interface.
- Bump Video Toolset to v10.1.0.
- Disable automatic closed-loop operation of NPC3SG.
- Fix NPC3SG subVI linkage to keep drivers untouched (also for v10.6.0).
Implemented Enhancements:
- Switch CCD temperature display to Kelvin.
- Add CCD temperature chart.
- Implement snapshot mode for mapping.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fix closing connections on exit.
- Fix image mode color scale.
- Disable blinking state of CCD status LED after disconnecting.
- Based on v10.5.1.
- Replace Newport ESA-C drive with Newport NPC3SG piezo controller.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fix closing connections on exit.
- Replace AD-xxx actuators and recalibrate.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fix closing connections on exit.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Automatically adjust CCD ADC setting when switching to or from image mode.
- Copy current position to initial drive target during mapping.
- Adjust inital mapping countdown.
- Add measurement and device parameters to file headers.
- Pass CCD settings to mapping for generating file headers.
- Prevent overriding existing files during export.
Fixed Bugs:
- Add 50 ms standby between preview acquisitions to prevent shutter roll-over.
- Disable blinking property of all status indicators on VI start.
- Disable blinking for ITC running indicator.
- Disable ITC failure popup (non-critical but blocking).
- Fix CCD image orientation on export.
- Fix updating integration time on acquire.
- Do not configure CCD before each acquisition if nothing has changed.
- Automatically disable image mode when mapping.
- Replace AMCAP with Video Toolset.
- Replace CCD3000 with Symphony II.
- Add Gain and ADC setting controls.
- Add binning and read-out area setting controls.
- Add CCD imaging mode.
Fixed Bugs:
- Close all open connections on clean exit.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Add spectrum noise control.
- Add spectrum axis switch (Jacobian Transformation).
- Do not automatically move to home after mapping (takes to much time).
Internal Enhancements:
- Call mapping VI asynchronously for live updates of device status.
- Introduce global variables to communicate between top-level VIs.
- Simplify mapping countdown generation by counting step numbers.
- Reduce device status polling frequency.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fix AutoClose option for sub-VIs.
- Disable spectrum maximize functionality by hiding control.
- Update Raman Live Tool Set to v10.2.x.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Add manual CCD shutter control.
- Add Pause/Resume button for mapping.
- Mirror current drive values to target controls after connecting.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Mirror current drive values to Go-To controls after mapping.
- Add step size to mapping export file name.
Fixed Bugs:
- Round target values for mapping to step size (prevents errors for step sizes < 1 µm).
- Round drive positions to drive accuracy (10 µm).
Implemented Enhancements:
- Measure and display device status polling times.
- Allow maximizing spectrum graph for adjustment.
- Improve AutoSave feature.
- Individually trigger CCD read-out.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Add Load Spectrum function.
- Calculate cryostat temperature gradient only once per second (averaging).
- Initial creation.
- Replace Newport ESA-C drive with Newport NPC3SG piezo controller.
Implemented Enhancements:
- Enable bi-directional calibration option.
- Replace AMCAP with Video Toolset.
- Initial creation.
- Replace AMCAP with Video Toolset.
- Initial creation.