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Releases: sfstoolbox/sfs-matlab

SFS Toolbox 1.2.0

02 Jun 13:14
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New version including a PDF documentation that derives all used driving functions, updated default color map for dB-plots and small bug fixes.


- add PDF documentation "Theory of Sound Field Synthesis"
- fix remaining usegnuplot config entry
- change default dB color map to chromajs
- add missing hgls2 functionality (fractional delays)
- add cubehelix and chromajs color maps
- remove noise() function, use the one from the LTFAT Toolbox instead


SFS Toolbox 1.1.0

02 Apr 14:01
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New version including local WFS and a lot of bug fixes.


- fix amplitude bug in get_ir() and ir_generic()
- remove direct gnuplot plotting
- add support for local Wave Field Synthesis
- the length of the dirac impulse response is now an option for dummy_irs()
- fix iseven(), isodd() for very large numbers
- correct the sign for Wave Field Synthesis driving functions


SFS Toolbox 1.0.1

04 Aug 14:05
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Bug fix release of SFS Toolbox 1.0


- rms() works now also with row vectors in order to be compatible with the
  Auditory Modeling Toolbox
- fixed handling of number of secondary sources for a box shaped array
- fixed a bug in ir_auralize() regarding the contentfile configuration
- corrected NFC-HOA driving functions for off-center arrays

SFS Toolbox 1.0.0

27 Mar 12:07
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First complete 3D version of the SFS Toolbox.


- added references for all driving functions
- streamlined nested conf settings; e.g. now it is no longer neccessary to set if conf.usehcomp == false
- added WFS driving functions from Völk et al. and Verheijen et al.
- removed secondary_source_number() and xy_grid, because they are no longer
- enabled pre-equalization filter of WFS as default in SFS_config_example()
- fixed sound_field_mono_sdm_kx()
- Green's function for line sources returns now real values
- correct y-direction of plane waves for 3D NFC-HOA
- updated the test functions in the validation folder
- several small fixes

SFS Toolbox 1.0.0-beta2

05 Dec 15:26
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Bug fix version of 3D release of Toolbox. Most probably the last beta release.


- rms() now works for arbitrary arrays
- speedup of delayline() and HRTF extrapolation
- delayline() now works with more than one channel
- fixed a critical bug in wfs_preequalization()
- fixed missing conf values in several functions
- fixed README
- changed location of sfs-data for automatic download, because github does
  not allow this
- several minor fixes

SFS Toolbox 1.0.0-beta

26 Aug 14:59
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New 3D version of the Toolbox. The Toolbox works now completely in the 3D space and comes with 2D, 2.5D and 3D driving functions for WFS, NFC-HOA and SDM.


- bandpass() can now handle arbritrary frequency limits
- sphbesselh_zeros() comes now with precomputed zeros for an order up to
- renamed wave_field_* functions to sound_field_*
- the order for NFC-HOA can now be set manually via conf.nfchoa.order
- several performance improvements
- added missing driving functions for WFS and NFC-HOA
- added convolution() which is faster than conv and can handle
  multidimensional signals
- changed default plotting style of loudspeakers to
- hann_window() now uses (2*n+1) instead of (2*n) to generate the window
- replaced the input parameter L by conf.secondary_sources.size
- the aliasing frequency is now calculated by the mean distance between the
  given secondary sources
- added nearest neighbour search and 3D interpolation to get_ir()
- moved the tapering window into x0(:,7), added new function
  secondary_source_tapering to achieve this
- added a seventh column to x0 which includes integrational weights
- added extra directory for SSR renderer functions
- added 3D HRTF extrapolation
- changed array configuration to use number of secondary sources instead of
  distance between them
- changed SFS_config to use substructs like conf.secondary_sources.*
- added the possibility to calculate the wave field for a arbritrary
  positioned plane in 3D
- added 3D WFS functions
- make the Toolbox work in 3D, which brakes backwards compability!
- now all monochromatic functions have a time_domain counterpart
- reordered the argouts for the wave field functions; now P is always the
  first argout
- automatically plotting of the wave fields if no argouts are wanted
- changed direction of focused source from the conf.xref vector directly
  into xs. For a focused source xs is now [1x6]

SFS Toolbox 0.2.5

12 Jul 09:41
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Bug fixing release of the 2D version of the Toolbox. Note that this will be the last official release of the 2D Toolbox version.


- added IIR WFS pre-filter
- fixed a bug causing the wrong loudspeaker position in the output of