Macm316 provides a visualization and plotting tool for numerical methods in Numerical Analysis. This version of the calculator currently supports two differentiation methods:
- Midpoint Rule
- Three-points Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation
- Trapezodial Rule
- Composite Simpson 1/3 Rule
It enables you to modify properties and functions for numerical approximation. By using MathJax, we display the estimation calculation and formula along with the graph plot.
You can resize both the menu and the graph by dragging the divider next to the graph legend.
The demo website is live at
To begin, install the necessary packages with the following command:
npm install
This command runs the app in development mode on your local environment. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
This command launches the test runner in watch mode. Our test coverage relies on Jest and React-Testing-Library.
This command builds the app for production into the build
folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
Run Prettier to automatically correct the formatting. Please check .prettierrc.json
to see our team's convention settings.
Run ESLint to scan and correct the formatting and maintain the code styling convention. Please check .eslintrc.json
to see our team's convention settings.