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Automatic Differentiation of Tensor Expressions

Author: Sergei Grechanik

This tutorial describes how to use automatic differentiation of tensor expressions.

Usually differentiation is done on the level of NNVM/Relay graphs. However there are some situations when one might want to perform differentiation on the lower level of TVM tensor expressions, e.g.: - When you are experimenting with a completely new kind of operations. - When gradients for some operations haven't been implemented yet in NNVM/Relay. - When you are implementing gradients for a new operation manually and need a starting point. - When you want to train models in pure TVM without NNVM/Relay (if you really do, please tell us why).

  • Automatic differentiation is still work in progress. Some operations are not differentiated very well yet.
  • Automatic differentiation doesn't perform scheduling. The generated code should be scheduled by hand or using some autoscheduling and autotuning methods (which may require manually writing schedule templates).
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import tvm
import topi

How to use automatic differentiation

Basically, all you need is the function tvm.differentiate (also known as tvm.autodiff.differentiate) which takes a tensor, differentiates it with respect to other given tensors using reverse accumulation, and applies certain optimizations. Let's consider an example:

# inputs
X = tvm.placeholder((32, 100), name='X')
W = tvm.placeholder((10, 100), name='W')
B = tvm.placeholder((10,), name='B')

# forward computation, basically topi.nn.dense(X, W, B)
k = tvm.reduce_axis((0, 100))
T = tvm.compute((32, 10), lambda i, j: tvm.sum(X[i, k]*W[j, k], k))
Y = topi.add(T, B)
L = topi.sum(Y)

# gradients
[dL_dW, dL_dB] = tvm.differentiate(L, [W, B])

L is a scalar, so the results are gradients, however in general the result is a full Jacobian. tvm.differentiate also accepts the third parameter if you want to multiply the Jacobian by another tensor.

[dY_dW] = tvm.differentiate(Y, [W])
print("Y.shape", Y.shape)
print("W.shape", W.shape)
print("dY_dW.shape", dY_dW.shape)

[dL_dW] = tvm.differentiate(Y, [W], topi.full_like(Y, 1.0))

The result of tvm.differentiate mimics a list, however it is an object that also contains all intermediate adjoints. Note also that the list of input tensors may be omitted, in which case the output will be differentiated with respect to all the inputs:

res = tvm.differentiate(L)
dL_dX = res.adjoints[X]
dL_dT = res.adjoints[T]
dL_dY = res.adjoints[Y]

Examples of generated gradients

Let's print out some generated code. We'll start with the simple matrix multiplication we've already differentiated.

T1 = tvm.compute((32, 10), lambda i, j: tvm.sum(X[i, k]*W[j, k], k), name='matmul')
H1 = tvm.placeholder(T1.shape, name='H1')

[dW] = tvm.differentiate(T1, [W], H1)

(The only problem here is that an unnecessary intermediate tensor was extracted.)

Now let's look at some problematic operations, like maxpool:

X1 = tvm.placeholder((64, 32, 28, 28), name='X1')
W1 = tvm.placeholder((64, 64, 3, 3), name='W1')
Y1 = topi.nn.pool(X1, [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], 'max')
H1 = tvm.placeholder(Y1.shape, name='H1')

[dX1] = tvm.differentiate(Y1, [X1], H1)

Here the elements of the adjoint H1 are multiplied by the elements of a mask (computed with the tensor called extracted_tensor). The mask represents whether an element is the maximum of its neighborhood. This is not the optimal solution.

Overriding the differentiation function

tvm.differentiate internally calls a function which performs differentiation of a given tensor with respect to one of its inputs. This functions may be overridden for every tensor or for some particular tensors, which is useful when the default differentiation function does a poor job and we need to provide some gradients manually. Let's define our own naive version of this function:

def custom_fdiff(out, inp, head):
    return topi.tensordot(head, tvm.autodiff.Jacobian(out, inp, False), len(out.shape))

This function must take the tensors out, inp and head where out is the tensor that should be differentiated with respect to inp, inp is an immediate dependency of out, and head is the adjoint of out which should be multiplied by the result of differentiation. The differentiation itself is done using the function tvm.autodiff.Jacobian, and the multiplication is done with topi.tensordot. The default differentiation function tvm.autodiff.DiffBuildingBlock does the same thing, but it also applies certain optimizing transformations.

A custom differentiation function may be used like this:

res = tvm.differentiate(L, fdiff=custom_fdiff)

A custom differentiation function may be used to override differentiation for certain operations by checking if out is the operation we want to differentiate differently. However, there is an alternative way: using the override keyword argument. override should be a dict mapping tensors to their dependencies and custom differentiation functions.

Let's consider the following scenario: we want to block gradient flow from Y to X and compute gradients of Y wrt B and W using the unoptimized differentiation function custom_fdiff. Note that W and X are not immediate dependencies of Y.

def custom_fdiff_2(out, inputs, head):
    assert out == Y
    assert inputs == [X, W, B]
    # block gradients to X
    dX = topi.full(head.shape[:-len(out.shape)] + list(X.shape), head.dtype, 0)
    # use the custom unoptimized differentiation function for the rest
    return [dX] + list(tvm.differentiate(out, [W, B], head, fdiff=custom_fdiff))

res = tvm.differentiate(L, override={Y: ([X, W, B], custom_fdiff_2)})

There are several things to note:

  • For efficiency reasons the custom differentiation function used in override has a slightly different interface than the custom differentiation functions used for fdiff, namely it takes a list of inputs instead of a single input, and returns the list of the corresponding adjoints.
  • We had overridden the dependencies for Y (its immediate dependencies are T and B, but we used X, W and B instead), so we couldn't use tvm.autodiff.Jacobian or custom_fdiff directly, since they expect the input to be an immediate dependency for the output. That's why we had to wrap them in the call to tvm.differentiate.