Useful : #char* name1 = "shad"; // this converts into : "s" "h" "a" "d" just like char name1[] # alternate to printf and scanf puts("hello") gets(name) length of string #include <string.h> strlen(name) to capital/small strlwr(name) ==> small strupr(name) ==> capital patch up 2 string char s1, s2; strcat(s1,s2); printf(s1) // will print both reverse order ; strrev(name) to get memory address : int a=10; printf("%x",&a) pointer variable // used to store memory address int a= 10; int *p; p = &a; printf("%x \n",&a); printf("%x",p); // to access the data : printf("%d",*p) typedef typedef int num // used for defining something like, you can use this "num" instead of int now : ) use EOF in loops (end of file) to get to the end