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Bauge programming language initial ideas and design document

What is Bauge

Bauge is an idea for a programming language that uses box-drawing characters as its basis for execution flow. Box drawing characters can be use to draw figures using Unicode characters, such as this:

│ Box example ├── Text on line ──→

Different fonts might render this example differently, depending on their support of the characters.

The idea for Bauge came from the Needle package for Haskell, which “ASCII-fied arrow notation”. I want to take the idea further, and make a small, working programming language using box drawing characters and arrows.

The main aspects I want Bauge to have are:

  • Purely/mainly functional programming language
  • Parallelism using different arrows
  • Turing-complete

First ideas of what Bauge should look like

Language features


Paths are the defining features of the language. They describe the series of transformations and functions applied to one or more variables of the program.

Path can begin in two ways:

  • With a parameter of the current function, written as “╾”,
  • With a primitive value, such as the number 1 or the string “hello”; in which case, the primitive is written, followed by the path: “1 ── …”

A path contains one or more variables and goes in one direction only. Initially, the path only carries the initial values, but additional variables can be added by joining two paths. The path that continues is the one carrying the variables; the variable(s) coming from the merged path are appended to the list of variables of the continuing path.

For example, let’s take this simple path (the text between the “#(” and “)#” is a comment):

        #(this path contains a String "hello")#
"hello" ─────────────

The path starts from an initial value of a String, “hello”. If we want to add another variable to the path, we need to merge another path into it:

"hello" ─────────┬─── #(the path now contains ("hello", 42))#
           42 ───┘

Another way of doing this is to merge multiple paths into a new one. In this case, the values are ordered from top to bottom, or left to right:

"hello" ──┐
          │ #(the path contains ("hello", 42, ()) )#
42 ───────┼──────
() ───────┘

Paths can only end in two ways:

  • With an arrow (→, ←, ↑, ↓), indicating that the current function returns the values in the path.
  • With a cross ( ╳ ), making the program exit upon reaching it.

Paths can also branch out: this action copies the values of the path to a new one. This can be done in two ways:

  • Using single paths (─, ┌, …): this means the paths are executed sequentially from top to bottom or left to right.
  • Using double paths (═, ╢, ╧, …): this means the paths are executed in parallel.

In any case, paths created this way must be joined to the main path in order for the program to be correct. For example, this code computes the value foo(4) * bar(3), by computing the two functions in parallel:

          ╔════════ foo ══╗
4 ────────╢               ╟─── * ───────
          ╚═ -1 ═══ bar ══╝

Head and tail

The variables on path behaves like a list; it is then possible to isolate the first, last or nth variable on a path using head, tail or nth.

4 ──┐
    ├─── head ── #(the path only has 4 on it)#
5 ──┘
4 ──────┐
"hi" ───┼─── nth 1 ── #(the path only has "hi" on it)#
5 ──────┘

If paths intersect, it’s possible to create bridges. A bridge on a single-width path can be formed in this way:

4 ─────┐      ┌──── #(contains 4)#
       │      ╧
8 ───╢ │ ╟───────── #(contains 8)#
       │      ╤

For double-width path, we use the inverse of the previous bridge characters:

4 ═════╗      ╔════ #(contains 4)#
       ║      ╨
8 ═══╡ ║ ╞═════════ #(contains 8)#
       ║      ╥

Named variables

Up until now, all the variables on the paths were unnamed. But situations can arise where we would need a way to differentiate between the different variables; this can be done by assigning a name (a “label”) to variables. This can be done in two ways:

  • At the start of the path: my_variable := 5 ────
  • On a path, assuming that there is only one variable on it: ───── :my_variable ─────.

The name of a variable can then be used in a function application, replacing the traditional order of the arguments:

a := 4 ─────────────┐
                    ├── / b a ─────────
b := 12 ────────────┘

A note: all arithmetic operations are specified using the polish notation: in the above, b / a is computed.

Applying functions

Functions in Bauge take a certain number of arguments, and output one or more values. A function applied to a path will take the values stored in a path as arguments, apply the function to them, and replace the arguments in the path with the result. If there are more variables in the path than there are arguments to the function, the additional variables are untouched.

For example, here is the code to add two numbers:

5 ──┐
9 ──┴── + ── #(result: 14)#

For the ease of writing programs, some arguments can be supplied directly without the need of a variable in the path.

2 ───── + 1 ────── #(increments 2 to 3)#

If we need to have an unnamed variable at a certain place, we can use the placeholder _: For example, this code decrements the variable by one.

4 ────── - _ 1 ──────── #(decrements 4 to 3)#

Due to the polish notation, removing the placeholder would computer 1 - 4, which is not the result we’re trying to achieve.

Flow control

Controlling the flow of the program, using conditions and loops, is done using special keywords, which affect how branch path are interpreted.

Conditional branching (if)

5 ──────┬──────────────────────────┬── if condition ──┐
        └─ > 10 ── :condition ─────┘                  │
                  │                                              │
    println "10 is greater than {}"                println "10 is smaller than {}"
                  │                                              │
                  ↓                                              ↓                

Let’s analyze the code above. We begin with an unnamed integer with a value of 5. We then branch out sequentially: we keep the value of 5 on the main path, and we compute 10 > 5 on the second path, transforming the value 5 to true. We name this variable condition. We then join the diverging paths into one, appending our condition variable to the list of variables on the main path: it now has for value (5, condition: false).

We then use the if keyword, using condition as the boolean condition. Then, we offer two paths of execution: the leftmost one is executed if the condition is true, while the rightmost one is executed if the condition is false. Since the 10 is greater than 5, we print “10 is greater than 5”. The print pattern has one placeholder, and so uses the first variable on the path, which is our initial variable 5, as the value that replaces the placeholder.

This also showcases that the flow of a program can be from top to bottom, and not only from left to right.


There are currently two looping keywords: while and loop; as well as the break keyword for breaking out of a loop.

A loop is an unconditional loop; it can only be exited using a break or by exiting the program. The path following a loop should also “loop” on itself, and is read in a clockwise manner. The rest of the program is written after the break keyword.

                         ┌───── = 0 ─────┐
10 ──────────── loop ─┬──┴───────────────┴─ if ──┬── break ──────────── println "loop finished"
                      │                          │
                      └── - _ 1 ───────── tail ──┘

The above code starts with a value of 10 on the path, then starts a loop. Since loops are read in a clockwise fashion, the straight path is taken first. We branch out to pre-pend the boolean value of 10 = 0 to the path variables. We then if on it; if it’s true, we can break out of the loop, and print the message; but since this is false, we go down and left. We remove the boolean on the path using tail, which leaves only the original value of 10, and we decrement it by one. We then go back to the start of the loop, and can start it again, this time with a value of 9.

A while loop is a conditional loop, that is, it exits the loop when the condition is false. The syntax of the while is a bit different: it takes as an “argument” a condition expression. The path leading out of the while has to branch in two ways:

  • The top or left branch is the loop, in which the instructions are to be carried out
  • The bottom or right branch is the rest of the code, after the loop is finished.

Since we need to check the condition at each loop, the looping path must be injected back into the while keyword.

We can rewrite the previous loop using a while:

                    ┌──────── - _ 1 ─────┐
                    │                    │
10 ───────────── while != 0 ─────────────┴─────────── println "while finished"

Pattern matching

Pattern matching is carried out using the match keyword. Following this keyword, the path can branch out as many times as necessary for the different patterns to be analyzed. The pattern matching is very similar to the one Rust uses. Each of the match paths should first contain the pattern to match, then the instructions for that match.

match matches the entirety of the path variable if no argument is passed; if we want to match the first n variable, we can specify the number to match after the keyword: match 3 will match the first 3 variables. It is also possible to use named variables: match num will match the variable num on the path.

The default pattern is the placeholder _.

                          ┌─ "bar" ─── println "matched bar" 
"foo" ──────────── match ─┼─ "baz" ─── println "matched baz"
                          └─ _ ─────── println "I don't know you"


Sometimes, especially using numbers, the type to use can be ambiguous. We can specify the type of a value using this notation:

                             #(6 is a SignedInt by type inference)#
my_var: SignedInt := 3 ─── - _ 6 ───── ...


An Int is a 32-bit unsigned number. The following values are Ints:

  • 10
  • 0xA32B
  • 0b110110

Ints can overflow to 0 and underflow to 2^32 - 1. There are special Int values: Int::Min, which is equal to 0, and Int::Max, which is equal to 2^32 - 1.


A SignedInt is a 32-bit signed integer. The following values are SignedInts:

  • -10
  • 0xBB32
  • 0b10111011

SignedInts can overflow to -2^31, and underflow to 2^31 - 1. There are special SignedInt values: SignedInt::Min, which is equal to -2^31, and SignedInt::Max, which is equal to 2^31 - 1.


A Float is a 32-bit signed floating-point number. They can be written as 10.341, or 10 if it’s round and the type inference allows it.


A Byte is a 8-bit unsigned value, going from 0 to 255. The following values are Bytes:

  • 65
  • 0x1B
  • 0b1101

Bytes can overflow to 0 and underflow to 255. There are special Byte values: Byte::Min, which equals to 0, and Byte::Max, which equals to 255.


A Char is an UTF-8 encoded Unicode codepoint. It is not a single ASCII character as with other languages such as C or Java; this role is assumed by the Byte in Bauge. A Char is written in single quotes. The following values are Chars:

  • 'a',
  • 'א',
  • '中',
  • '🌈',


A String is one or more Char characters together. The following values are Strings:

  • "hello world"
  • "大家好"
  • "✨ salut à tous ✨"


A Range is a range of unsigned Ints, delimited by two Ints. The range includes the start and excludes the end. It is written using the .. operator. For example, the range 1..4 contains the numbers 1, 2 and 3.


A Vec (short for Vectors) is a collection of elements of the same type. It can either be initialized empty, using Vec::new, or created dynamically with some values, using the square bracket notations: [1, 2, 3].


A Tuple is a heterogeneous collection of elements; that is, it can contain elements of different types. It is different from a vector, in that it is not an iterator: it is merely a simple way to hold values of different types together, much like a C struct.

Defining functions

A function is a path that ends correctly, enclosed in a box. The top of the box contains the signature of the function, acting as the “title” of the function-box. The function definition is of the form: name: (arg_a: TypeA, arg_b: TypeB, ...) -> ReturnType.

┌─ my_function: (Int, String) -> Bool ────┐
│                                         │
│    #(The paths are written in here)#    │
│                                         │

The main function box can be omitted, in which case its signature is main: () -> ().

Let’s write the Fibonacci function in a recursive manner using what we have so far:

┌─ fibonacci: (Int) -> Int ─────────────────────────────────────┐
│                                                               │
│                ┌─ 0 ───→                                      │
│                │                                              │
│  ╾──── match ──┼─ 1 ───→                                      │
│                │                                              │
│                └─ _ ────┬─ - _ 1 ─── fibonacci ───┬─ + ───→   │
│                         └─ - _ 2 ─── fibonacci ───┘           │
│                                                               │

Let’s analyze this. We declare a function, fibonacci, which takes a single Int and returns an Int. We then start our path with the function’s argument, which we match. If it is 0 or 1, we return what’s on the path, which is either 0 or 1. If the value is neither, we then have two branching paths: on one path, we decrement the value by one, and call recursively the fibonacci function. On the other path, we do the same, except that we decrement by two the value on the path.

At the junction of the two paths, we have now two Int on the path; we add them together to get the single Int value we want, and then return it.


Paths can also contain closures: functions that can be passed as parameters of other functions. This is done by declaring a function box inside of the current function, and linking it to a path, much like having a starting value to a new path.

(0..10) ─────────────────┬────── foreach ───────────────────→
       ┌─ Int -> () ─────┴──────┐
       │                        │
       │  ╾─ println "{}" ───→  │
       │                        │

We first have a range of numbers on the path. Then, we declare an anonymous function, which takes an Int and returns nothing, which prints the argument. Then, we apply the function foreach on the path, which effectively prints each value in the range.

For the ease of use of the language, we can also use functions this way:

["foo", "bar", "baz"] ───────────── foreach println ─────────→

This works because the function foreach has the signature (Iterator<T>, (T -> ()) -> (): A function which takes an iterator of values, and a function which takes a single value and returns nothing; foreach itself returns nothing as well.

Here, we have an iterator of String, and a function, println, which takes a string and then an arbitrary number of arguments, and returns nothing; this fits the type requirement.

Comments and documentation

We’ve already seen comments that take the form of #( comment... )#. There is also a way to create documentation for a function: by separating the box in two from top to bottom, with the top part being the documentation, while the bottom part is the code. Let’s document the fibonacci function from before:

┌─ fibonacci: (Int) -> Int ─────────────────────────────────────┐
│                                                               │
│   This function calculates the Fibonacci number for any       │
│   unsigned integer. This implementation uses the recursive    │
│   method without any memoisation; it is done by checking      │
│   the first argument:                                         │
│   - If it's 0 or 1, then we return directly the argument,     │
│   - If not, we calculate recursively the previous two         │
│     Fibonacci numbers, and add them to get the current one.   │
│                                                               │
│                                                               │
│                ┌─ 0 ───→                                      │
│                │                                              │
│  ╾──── match ──┼─ 1 ───→                                      │
│                │                                              │
│                └─ _ ────┬─ - _ 1 ─── fibonacci ───┬─ + ───→   │
│                         └─ - _ 2 ─── fibonacci ───┘           │
│                                                               │

Standard library





Code examples

Guessing game

100    0
└──────┴──── .. ──── pick ──┐
└─ loop ──┬─── input "Pick a number:" ──┬────────────────────┬── match cmp ──┬── Equal ─── println "You win!" ─── break ───→
          │                             └─ compare ── :cmp ──┘               │
          │                                                                  │
          │                             ┌─── println "Too high!" ── Greater ─┤
          │                             │                                    │
          └───────────── head ──────────┴─── println "Too low!" ─── Less ────┘

We begin by creating a range of 100 numbers, between 0 and 99. We then pick one at random. After that, we enter a loop. At the start of the loop, we ask for the user to pick a number using the input function. Our path now contains the random number, then the guessed number. Then, we branch out; on the bottom branch, we use compare, which consumes both of the values on the path and outputs a single “comparison” value, which can be either Equal, Greater or Less. We then rejoin the main path by the bottom, which gives a path with the random number, the guessed number, and the comparison value.

After that, we match on the comparison value: if it’s Equal, the user won, and the program returns. If not, we print a message whether the guess was too high or low. Then, we keep the head of our path, which is the random number, and go back to the beginning of the loop.

Ideas for stuff in the language

  • Write the standard library of the program in literate programming
  • Generic types
  • Vectorize function: takes all variables on path and creates a single vector of the variables, assuming the variables are all of the same type