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213 lines (169 loc) · 9.53 KB

Emacsy TODO

  • [X] Defining variables with define-variable leaves warnings about that variable not being defined. FIXED. Thanks, Mark Weaver!
  • [ ] Change emacsy-key-event to emacsy-submit-key-event or something.
  • [ ] rename define-cmd to define-command
  • [ ] BUG: The frame title should show the current buffer whereas the modeline show’s the window’s buffer
  • [ ] hello-emacsy BUG: C-u 1 0 doesn’t show latest character.
  • [ ] It’d be nice to have a for-each which didn’t use lambdas and was more like loop. The for-each action list where action can be long then the list that it operates on is kind of jaring.)
  • [ ] Maybe there should be hook such that a REPL can be invoked from within Emacsy that then in the simplest case reports the port and hostname. Or perhaps invokes Emacs to enter it.
  • [X] How to implement defvar: Use object-properties on the variable from (module-variable). Thanks, Andy!
  • [X] Incorporating modifier keys should be easy. Split <key-event> into <modifier-key-event> and <key-event.
  • [X] Need to pick up modifier-keys from GLFW.
  • [X] Remove (kbd “C-…”) It’s useless noise.
  • [X] Need to fix history. Just make an indexable list class.
    • [X] cursor-list now exists.
  • How to make a trampoline out of a symbol, by mark_weaver:

(define (make-trampoline s) (compile `(lambda () (,s)) #:env <desired-module>))

here’s an implementation of ‘make-trampoline’ that uses vastly less memory per trampoline, and avoids loading the compiler: (define (make-trampoline module name) (let ((var (module-variable module name))) (lambda () ((variable-ref var)))))

  • [ ] Come up with a way to export commands so that one can indicate what modules one wants to use.
    1. Let the user do it by creating their own modules.

      Nice idea because it requires no new infrastructure. Might encourage the proliferation of new modules.

    2. Let the user export certain symbols as commands. Pretty much like a new kind of public interface.

      Requires some infrastructure. Possibly want to use this generally to collect up all kinds of other things. So far I’ve had commands and fitness functions. Other things might come along as well.

      (export-commands this that yon)

      (emacsy-export commands ‘(this that yon))

      (emacsy-export fitness-function ‘(this that yon))


  1. Do what I’m doing now where the user has to define their name for something.
  2. Just make a list of the symbols. Nothing fancy. If someone wants only the commands, they do this:

(resolve-interface ‘(that-module) #:select (@ (that-module) commands))

(resolve-interface ‘(that-module %command)

(use-modules ((that-module) #:select (@commands))

  • [ ] rename read-file-name to EITHER read-filename OR read-filename-from-minibuffer
  • [ ] have backtraces go to logs
  • [X] Rethink the commands. Can’t we keep them as simple lambdas? Do we have to wrap them?

    Also, when the user provides the symbol of a function, let’s create a trampoline to that function. Otherwise, if they provide a lambda, run that lambda.

  • [X] If module (emacsy emacsy) does not load, it may be because it did not compile. Please show the correct error. FIXED.
  • [X] Make the read-from-minibuffer accept a symbol for a history
  • [X] Turn history into an object/record rather than a list and an index. Need a list with a cursor or a zipper; can use 2 lists for what’s in front and behind the current position.
  • [ ] Rename EY_* C macros to EMACSY_SAME_NAME_AS_SCHEME_OK_P
  • [X] Make the default read-from-minibuffer history symbol be (what-command-am-i)
  • [-] Add a couple of variations on the webkit browser
    • [X] make it use multiple buffers
    • [ ] make it use multiple windows
  • [ ] Should (emacsy window) always be loaded but default to not supporting multiple windows?
  • [ ]
  • [ ] get rid of noise in emacsy (noise?) log noise?
  • [ ] Change define-cmd to define-command
  • [ ] implement coroutines in Guile using Lua API and this as a basis It’d be nice if the coroutines were interruptable. Maybe this would help. This is a good tutorial on shift and reset.

    Commands should be marked as suspendable. Suspendable commands will be executed in their own coroutine that may be suspended, resumed, resumed in the background, or killed. This is similar to the split between builtin commands in shell and regular commands. God, this is going to be COOL!

  • [X] make debugging work in emacsy Getting better with debug-on-error?
  • [ ] fix kill of all buffers bug
  • [X] add universal argument C-u
  • [ ] clear the echo area once other messages start to come.
  • [X] figure out how to integrate a browser window, it’ll show pdf graphs, images, etc. too!
  • [X] there should be a way to turn off the display/runloop from happening. Or maybe not. Maybe the batch-mode or non-interactive mode for Emacsy shouldn’t include Emacsy at all. It should just be regular Guile that one reverts to. This has the added advantage that one ends up creating Guile modules that others can use.
  • [ ] Add re-export-module macro, and do it as you build everything up.
  • [ ] (define (get-cid) (yield (lambda (resume) (resume (coroutine->cid resume)))))
  • [ ] make emacsy work with copy/paste link
  • [ ] Have something for blocking reading, need something for blocking/smartly doing writing (message) shouldn’t cause an enormous hassle for unit testing like it does now.
  • [ ] Try this find-file-in-project
  • Great introduction to the bare minimum you need to know to use Emacs
  • How to make variable aliases
  • Note: the noweb filter docs2comments does not work with noweb’s line pragmas
  • how to do coroutines in guile
  • [ ] How do syscalls work when Emacsy is in batch mode?

    Populate event buffer from file handle? Are syscalls even required if we’re not in interactive mode?

  • [X] In order to terminate potential rogue coroutines, I could set a posix alarm that runs every second or so to check the events.
  • Readline already offers some completion functions for files and defines.

  • Emacs modernization may have some good ideas to apply to Emacsy
  • [ ] How to test Emacsy interactions? It should accept a filehandle that specifies events and plays them back like a macro.
  • These folks are thinking similarly about how to deal with commands running in the background
  • [X] Change shebang lines from #!/usr/bin/env perl to #!@PERL@ etc.
  • [ ] needs to deal with the case where no hello-emacsy is available.
  • [X] GLUT needs to be checked at configure time on other OSes.
  • An interesting way to debug at the prompt in Guile
  • [ ] Use DBus as a way to interoperate between Emacsy applications.
  • [ ] Swap out blocking module for either ethreads or another general continuation method.
  • [ ] Fix bug with (define-interactive name (let ((x 1)) (lambda () (incr! x))))
  • [ ] Fix bug with define-interactive not using documentation strings.
  • [ ] Idea: Maybe create an eshell like mode where the BNF from bash is used as a command mode for scheme. shelly? gash? bashy?
  • [ ] Integrate noweb into guile, such that guile will run off noweb files. Guile wisp already shows how to do it.

Trying to rework block code into something more malleable.

(define* (wait #:optional (delay 1)) “Yield coroutine and schdule the continuation to be run after DELAY ticks.” (yield (lambda (resume) (agenda-schedule resume delay))))

(define* (suspend) “Yield coroutine and schdule the continuation to be run after DELAY ticks.” (yield (lambda (resume) (agenda-schedule resume delay))))

(foreground) must happen outside the coroutine.

(define-command (suspend) (cosignal ‘suspend foreground-cid))

(define-command (interrupt) (cosignal ‘interrupt foreground-cid))

(define (cosignal sig cid) ((cid->resume cid) ‘signal (case sig ((kill) (lambda () (coexit -1))) ((suspend) (lambda () ())) ((continue) (lambda () ()))

) ))

(define (coexit code) (yield (lambda (resume) code)))

(define (coexit . args) (yield (lambda (resume) (apply values args)))

cid <-> coroutine

(cowait cid-1 cid-2)

Does suspend happen inside or outside the coroutine? Signals happened from outside the process in unix.