- Azure
- Terraform
- Helm
- Let's Encrypt
# clone example repository
git clone https://github.com/core-process/aks-terraform-helm.git
cd ./aks-terraform-helm
# login to Azure and set subscription
az login
az account set --subscription <ID>
# prepare infrastructure configuration
cp ./infrastructure/terraform.tfvars.template ./infrastructure/terraform.tfvars
code ./infrastructure/terraform.tfvars
mkdir ./.kube
mkdir ./.helm
# deploy infrastructure
source ./env.sh
cd ./infrastructure
terraform init
terraform apply
# export variables for app deployment
# ... will be used by docker compose
export IMAGE_REGISTRY="$(terraform output CR_ENDPOINT)"
export IMAGE_LABEL="latest"
# ... will be used later (see open command in last line)
export APP_URL="https://$(terraform output K8S_INGRESS_FQDN)"
# build and push app
cd ../app
docker-compose build
docker-compose push
# deploy app
cd ..
helm upgrade --debug --install --wait -f ./app.values.yaml --set ImageLabel=$IMAGE_LABEL example ./chart
# inspect deployed resources
helm status example
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
# open url
open "$APP_URL" # MacOS X
xdg-open "$APP_URL" # Linux