This script lists some of the commands and actions I may or may not perform during a live demo of the Pi Dramble.
ansible -i inventory all -m service -a "name=dramble-node-monitor state=stopped" -b
ansible -i inventory all -a "blinkstick blue" -b
ansible -i inventory all -a "blinkstick green" -b
ansible-playbook -i inventory testing/presentation/ansible-encounters/main.yml
(This re-enablesdramble-node-monitor
kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
(maybe even add filter to just showkube3
pods)ssh pi@
)sudo systemctl stop kubelet
- (Observe red LED on 3rd Pi)
watch kubectl get nodes
(to see how long it takes the Kubernetes master to mark node asNotReady
)watch kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
(to see when the Pods onkube3
get shuffled)
Note: The default toleration timeout for Deployments in the Pi Dramble is set to
. For presentations, this should be overridden so it is30s
, by deploying with the following variable inconfig.yml
:kubernetes_toleration_not_ready: 30
watch kubectl get hpa -n drupal
- Start hammering Drupal in new window:
wrk -c 5 -d 120 -t 5 http://cluster.pidramble.test/
- (Wait a minute or so)
- Once pods start scaling up:
watch kubectl get pods -n drupal -o wide
Note: By default, the HPA has a 5-minute cool-down period. I don't think it's as important to demo the scale-down timings... but if I wanted to I would probably want to change that to 30s or 60s max.