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⚠️ This project has been moved over to AWS Quickstart repository. All new updates are applied to the new repo.

Project setup

Create a new CDK project. We use typescript for this example.

cdk init app --language typescript

Bootstrap your environment. For more information see Bootstrapping below.

cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>/<AWS_REGION>


Add the cdk-eks-blueprint library as as a dependency to your CDK project.

"dependencies": {
  "@shapirov/cdk-eks-blueprint": "0.1.6"

Run the following command to install the dependency to your local npm package manager -

npm i @shapirov/cdk-eks-blueprint

Replace the contents of bin/<your-main-file>.ts (where your-main-file by default is the name of the root project directory) with the following:

import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import {
}  from '@shapirov/cdk-eks-blueprint';

const addOns: Array<ClusterAddOn> = [
  new ArgoCDAddOn,
  new MetricsServerAddon,
  new ClusterAutoScaler,
  new ContainerInsightsAddOn,
  new NginxAddon, 
  new CalicoNetworkPolicyAddon,

const app = new cdk.App();
new CdkEksBlueprintStack(app, {id: 'east-test-1', addOns: addOns, teams: []}, {
  env: {
      account: 'XXXXXXXXXXXX',
      region: 'us-east-2'

Run the following command to confirm there are no issues with our code

npm run build 

If there are no errors you should see the following

> eks-factory-test@0.1.0 build
> tsc

Deploy the stack using the following command

cdk deploy

Stack Configuration

Supports context variables (specify in cdk.json, cdk.context.json or pass with -c command line option):

  • instanceType: (defaulted to "t3.medium") Type of instance for the EKS cluster, must be a valid instance type like t3.medium
  • vpc: Specifies whether to use an existing VPC (if specified) or create a new one if not specified.
  • minSize: Min cluster size, must be positive integer greater than 0 (default 1).
  • maxSize: Max cluster size, must be greater than minSize.
  • vpcSubnets: List of VPC subnets for cluster provisioning (unsupported yet)

Updating Clusters

// Todo - Add

Upgrading Clusters

// Todo - Add

Solution Details

Shared Services Platform

A Shared Services Platform (SSP) is an interenal development platform that abstracts the complexities of cloud infrastrucuture from developers, and allows them to deploy workloads with ease. As SSP is typically composed of multiple AWS or open source products and services, including services for running containers, CI/CD pipelines, capturing logs/metrics, and security enforcement. The SSP packages these tools into a cohesive whole and makes them available to development teams via a simplified interface, typically a CLI, GUI, Git, or, manifest file.

Reference Architecture goals.

The goal of this project is to provide a reference implementation of a Shared Services Platform (SSP) built on top of EKS. At present the implementation provides the following functionality:

  • Cluster Management - Provision one or many EKS clusters across one or many regions.
  • Add-ons A modular approach to configuring the clusters with suite of add-ons or plugins that are needed to run workloads in a Kubernetes environment.
    • Custom Add-ons Add your own add-ons by implementing a ClusterAddon SPI (to be extended for lifecycle management).
  • Tenant Onboarding Seamless onboarding of tenants/workloads onto specific clusters via CDK configuration and Gitops.

Supported Addons

AddOn Description
AppMeshAddon Adds an AppMesh controller and CRDs (pending validation on the latest version of CDK)
ArgoCDAddon Adds an ArgoCD controller
CalicoAddon Adds the Calico 1.7.1 CNI/Network policy engine
CloudWatchAddon Adds Container Insights support integrating monitoring with CloudWatch
ClusterAutoscalerAddon Adds the standard cluster autoscaler (Karpenter is coming)
MetricsServerAddon Adds metrics server (pre-req for HPA and other monitoring tools)
NginxAddon Adds NGINX ingress controller

EKS Cluster Management

// Todo - Add

Configuring Add-ons

// Todo - Add

Creating an Add-on

// Todo - Add

Onboarding Tenants

In the most generic cases clients are expected to supply implementation of the TeamSetup interface. Support for teams configuration and authentication both for 'kubectl` access as well as console access is described in Teams documentation.


IaC Pipeline

(work in progress)

Example of IaC self-mutating pipeline based on CodePipeline can be found in the lib/pipelineStack.ts.


Each combination of target account and region must be bootstrapped prior to deploying stacks. Bootstrapping is an process of creating IAM roles and lambda functions that can execute some of the common CDK constructs.


  cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>/us-east-1

In addition to the regular environment bootstrapping pipeline bootstrapping for pipelines requires a new style of bootstrapping. Set AWS_ACCOUNT environment to your account and execute (with account admin privileges) the command in