I am the captain. This is my log.
My computer's OS has logging, why don't I?
is a command-line script that I use to write one-line logs about anything I think is worth logging.
The script used to save entries to a json
file ~/cap.log
, but things started getting really slow, so I moved to an sqlite
database located in ~/caplog.db
is compatible with Python 2 & 3.
Create an alias to make things easier.
alias caplog='python3 /path/to/caplog.py'
Make a new log entry.
$ caplog Made progress on my caplog script.
Other usage:
usage: caplog.py [-h] [-a AMEND [AMEND ...] | -b [BATCH [BATCH ...]] | -d | -g
GREP [GREP ...] | -l [NLOGS] | -p [PAST [PAST ...]] | -c |
[logmessage [logmessage ...]]
I am the captain. This is my log. caplog keeps short simple logs.
positional arguments:
logmessage The log message
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AMEND [AMEND ...], --amend AMEND [AMEND ...]
amend last log entry
-b [BATCH [BATCH ...]], --batch [BATCH [BATCH ...]]
add entries in batch from a directory
-d, --delete delete last log entry
-g GREP [GREP ...], --grep GREP [GREP ...]
search entries including term
-l [NLOGS], --last [NLOGS]
show last n entries, default if left empty is 3
-p [PAST [PAST ...]], --past [PAST [PAST ...]]
enter a log entry from the past
-c, --count show count of log entries
-r, --random show a randomly chosen entry from logs
If used without arguments, caplog
shows the last three entries in the log.
$ caplog
│ time │ entry │
│ 2016-05-02 17:18 │ It's time to move caplog to a place where I can use it everywhere. │
│ 2016-05-02 17:18 │ And I just pushed a change to simple-statistics. Wanna keep going. │
│ 2017-04-30 20:45 │ Big changes to caplog. A thorough refactoring and clean up to fix all pylint issues, and │
│ │ a rewrite of to print clean, pretty entries in a proper table. │