Check out this great neovim lua guide
- Official subreddit - general neovim questions
- Stack Exchange - general (neo)vi(m) questions
- Neovim forum - general neovim questions
- Open an issue in plugin repository if it's related to plugin
:h options.txt
- Look at someone else's dotfiles;
:h ...
on unknown options
- awesome-nvim
- neovimcraft
- Look at someone else's dotfiles
- williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer Crossplatform lsp servers installation
- AcksID/nvim-neoclip.lua Telescope cliboard manager
- lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim Indent guides
If you wish to install treesitter parser for language:
:TSInstall lang_name
- Add parser name into
) - If your parser is not in list of available parser - add it manually
Choose any colorscheme you like, but if you will continue using treesitter - make sure it is treesitter-compatible.
Run :PackerCompile
after every completed change. Otherwise your configuration might not work until you run :PackerSync
Do not use default mappings unless you are ok with them. Try everything and change if it is not suitable for you.
Before changing/adding and option in lua\options.lua
make sure you know what does it do. Otherwise read help page for it (:h "option"
nv leaves only changed options in plugin config files, so if you want to learn more about plugin options -
:h $pluginname
- Read plugin's README file