Releases: shimat/opencvsharp
Releases · shimat/opencvsharp
2.4.9 (31 Aug., 2014)
- Fixed many bugs
- Added CLAHE
- Deleted redundant files of the samples
2.4.9 (17 Jul., 2014)
- Upgraded 2.4.8 -> 2.4.9
- Added partial support for stitching
- Fixed Mat bugs and memory leaks
2.4.8 (19 Jun, 2014)
- Fixed bugs of Cv2.WarpPerspective and Cv2.FindChessboardCorners
2.4.8 (09 Jun., 2014)
- Added Mat methods for supporting method chaining
- Added conversion WriteableBitmap <-> Mat
- Fixed debugger visualizers' bug
- Supported Mat by DebuggerVisualizers
2.4.8 (27 May, 2014)
- Added FlannBasedMatcher
- Fixed DescriptorMatcher.Create bug
2.4.8 (23 May, 2014)
- Changed platform-specific build to AnyCPU build
- Fixed CRT and ffmpeg are unloaded
2.4.8 (10 May, 2014)
- Probably fixed crash bugs in x64
2.4.8 (02 May, 2014)
- Fixed IplImage memory leak
- Upgraded C++ Compiler (vc100 -> vc110)
2.4.8 (23 Apr., 2014)
- Added DescriptorExtractor
2.4.8 (20 Apr., 2014)
- Merged MachineLearning to CPlusPlus
- Removed old Blob API