Demo/Presentation example codes
impl DeserialiseParser for ListOfScannedNetworksWithPrivateMacParser {
type DeserializedType = VecListOfScannedNetworksWithPrivateMac ;
fn deserialize_reader ( & self , reader : impl Read + Seek + ' static) -> Result < Self :: DeserializedType , ParseError > {
Ok ( plist:: from_reader ( reader) ?)
#[ derive( Default , Debug , Clone , PartialEq , Deserialize ) ]
#[ serde( rename_all = "camelCase" ) ]
pub struct VecListOfScannedNetworksWithPrivateMac {
#[ serde( rename = "List of scanned networks with private mac" ) ]
pub list_of_scanned_networks_with_private_mac : Vec < ListOfScannedNetworksWithPrivateMac > ,
#[ derive( Default , Debug , Clone , PartialEq , Deserialize ) ]
#[ serde( rename_all = "camelCase" ) ]
pub struct ListOfScannedNetworksWithPrivateMac {
#[ serde( rename = "MacGenerationTimeStamp" ) ]
pub mac_generation_time_stamp : Option < String > ,
#[ serde( rename = "PrivateMacFutureMacAddress" ) ]
pub private_mac_future_mac_address : Option < plist:: Data > ,
#[ serde( rename = "BlockRotation" ) ]
pub block_rotation : Option < bool > ,
// ...
// ...
#[ serde( rename = "FailureCountThresholdCurrent" ) ]
pub failure_count_threshold_current : Option < i64 > ,
#[ serde( rename = "NetworkWasCaptive" ) ]
pub network_was_captive : Option < bool > ,
crate :: parse:: scnr:: impl_scnr_parser_json!(
ListOfScannedNetworksWithPrivateMacParser ,
"**/WiFi/" ,
|json, root_path, rel_path| {
let objs = jq(
."List of scanned networks with private mac"[]
| select( type == "object" )
| select( .lastJoined != null )
| { "addedAt": .lastJoined, "open": .IsOpenNetwork, "ssid":.SSID_STR }
"# ,
) ?;
for obj in objs {
// .. do something with JSON values
) ;
Choose your flavor - command line
scnr jq \
-i $1 \
-f " **/logs/SystemVersion/SystemVersion.plist" \
-q " { ProductName, ProductVersion, ProductBuildVersion, BuildID, SystemImageID }"
Choose your flavor - python
import py_scnr
import sys
for jq_result in py_scnr .jq ( \
input = sys .argv [1 ], \
filter = ["**/logs/SystemVersion/SystemVersion.plist" ], \
query = "{ ProductName, ProductVersion, ProductBuildVersion, BuildID, SystemImageID }" , \
print (jq_result )
$ scnr jq \
-i sysdiagnose_2023.10.26_14-40-37+0200_iPhone-OS_iPhone_19H349 \
-f " **/logs/SystemVersion/SystemVersion.plist" \
-q " { ProductName, ProductVersion, ProductBuildVersion, BuildID, SystemImageID }"
$ scnr jq \
-i sysdiagnose_2023.10.26_14-40-37+0200_iPhone-OS_iPhone_19H349.tar.gz \
-f " **/logs/SystemVersion/SystemVersion.plist" \
-q " { ProductName, ProductVersion, ProductBuildVersion, BuildID, SystemImageID }"
"ProductName" : " iPhone OS" ,
"ProductVersion" : " 15.7.6" ,
"ProductBuildVersion" : " 19H349" ,
"BuildID" : " F66FFDFE-E5A9-11ED-B408-720BCFA60583" ,
"SystemImageID" : " 5FAC5A2B-DB57-4EDD-A576-4C662CD5B428"
Grep through sqlite ? in an archive ?
scnr scan -i _samples -f * w.tar.gz/* .db | grep -B 2 -A 2 Islands
"country_id": 32,
"country": "Faroe Islands",
"last_update": "2020-12-23 07:12:13"
"country_id": 106,
"country": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"last_update": "2020-12-23 07:12:14"
scnr extract -i sysdiagnose_* _20I444.tar.gz -o sysdiag_expanded -p sysdiagnose
more sysdiag_expanded/...../logs/Accessibility/TCC.db/access
"service" : " kTCCServiceMotion" ,
"client" : "" ,
"client_type" : 0 ,
"auth_value" : 2 ,
"auth_reason" : 4 ,
"auth_version" : 1 ,
"csreq" : null ,
"policy_id" : null ,
"indirect_object_identifier_type" : 0 ,
"indirect_object_identifier" : " UNUSED" ,
"indirect_object_code_identity" : null ,
"flags" : 0 ,
"last_modified" : 1684007050
// ... ...