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File metadata and controls

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Basic spring mvc portlet in liferay

  • Unlike a single controller for all actions in a generic portlet,a spring mvc portlet consists of:

    • DispatcherPortlet,which acts as front controller,delegating requests to,
    • Mapping Handler which subsequently delegates it to other controllers,based on the request mapping or directly to,
    • View Resolvers,which map to the subsequent
    • View
  • Spring framework provides usage of Forms,data binding and Validation framework

  • Provides exception resolvers and interceptors

Configuring a spring portlet

  • Configuration in web.xml
    • Set portlet application context used by all portlets within a web app
    • Set ContextLoaderListener to load the parent context
    • Set contextConfigLocation for listing of bean definitions
    • Set ViewRendererServlet which acts as bridge between Servlet and Portlet requests
  • Configuration in portlet.xml
    • Front Controller as DispatacherPortlet
    • Portlet's own contextConfigLocation
    • Bean definitions for a certain portlet are defined per portlet application context file while the ones shared between portlets should in a parent file
  • The DispatcherPortlet uses HandlerMappings to determine which Controller should handle each PortletRequest.
  • A DispatcherPortlet can use multiple HandlerMappings

Key take-aways from Spring mvc liferay portlet

  • Namespacing of params should be disabled in liferay portlet using liferay-portlet.xml
    • 'requires-namespaced-parameters' should be set as false -Spring uses Validator framework to enable field level validations using Bean validation from JSR 303,whose implementation is provided by Hibernate
  • Due to a bug,hibernate Validator can reference hashCode method on a null object,hence that needs to be handled in hashCode implementation of the bean class
  • Mapping of bean class used for user interaction and actual model class should be done appropriately -In case of similar names,make sure the correct import is done
