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VIM Shortcuts For Running Tests:

F4 - runs make, which usually runs all tests too F3 - switches to the buffer marked by the Captial-T marker, and attempts to run it as a test file. Works both for Test_.h C++/C tests files, and test files. F2 - switches to the buffer marked by the Captial-T marker, and attempts to run the single test the marker points to (the marker is on one of the lines in the test). This works for with Test_.h C++/C test files, and test files.

These shortcuts are defined by vim/plugin/runtests.vim, and depend on a working test_singletest and test_singletestsuite make targets. Take a look at examples/2_feature_full_project_scaffold__copy_me/Makefile .

VIM Shortcuts For Writing Voodoo Based UnitTests:

Ctrl-F3 - Runs the voodoo compiler over the header currently open in vim. When the voodoo compiler reports error compiling a specific header file, this helps to shorten the fixing cycles. This shortcut depends on a voodoo_compileSingleHeader makefile target (take a look at examples/2_feature_full_project_scaffold__copy_me/Makefile ) Ctrl-F4 - Forces regeneration of all the voodoo mirror tree. Helpful when the compilation error of a voodoo header is from a dependency header. This shortcut is just a wrapper around a voodoo_forceGenerateAll makefile target (take a look at examples/2_feature_full_project_scaffold__copy_me/Makefile )


While compiling the voodoo mirror tree, voodoo indexes the signatures of all functions and methods it encounters. The vim shortcut Ctrl-F6, which wraps the script voodoo/, allows the lookup of the indentifier in this index, and fills the basic << new Call...<>() << parameters structure for you. For example, if you want to call File::read then you only need to write the identifier 'read' in a line, and press Ctrl-F6.


ColumIdent fancy indents lists of function parameters and variable definitions, in c/c++/python. For example: if you stand over a line in c++ that looks like this: void func( int a, bool * b, unsigned long long c ) and press F6, the output will look something like this: void func( int a, bool * b, unsigned long long c ) Please note: if your list is already spanning several lines, you must tell this shortcut how many lines to scan. For example, take the following class member list: int a; bool * b; unsigned long long c; you will have to invoke the shortcut by going to the first line, and pressing 3F6 (the numeral key 3). The configuration of ColumIndent is located at vim/columindent/ . You might want to change parameters according to your project preferences: For example, the maximum line length, and wither to use tabs or spaces for indentation is configured there.


The VIM command ":ConstructorReferenceArguments" generates the initialization list both for python init functions and CPP constructors. Saves some typing time.


The VIM command ":DirtyTrace" puts a print statement in python files, or a cout<< statement in cpp files, surrounded by zero level indentation comments. This allows to spot left behind debugging code easily when reviewing the diff before commit.


The VIM command ":NewFile" will create a file from a template. The files this python script knows to generate: Test_.h C++ test files, python test files, and *.h class header files.

this command is just a wrapper for the script vim/, and defined in vim/settings.vim


The VIM command ":Ctags" will use the "ctags" command line utility to create tags for your project.

VIM buffer explorer plugin:

enter the three charaters '\be' when not in edit mode in VIM, to open the buffer explorer.