- self build including all packages in the wheelhouse ends up including duplicates
- init should add .sky to gitignore
- -q/--quiet to turn off all the logging (or maybe just jump it up to the failures)
- pass through args
- integration test
- still in separate docker image
- DCOS (marathon API) integration
- sky commit and version into sky package
- sky_release json file (or line separated?)
- automate pex release
- update sky README
- logging idea: output dots on actions, unless there is an error or failure and then output the original full stack.
- modify localhost:8080 references to pull proxy info from sky_metadata
- will need to make a dummy SkyMetadata object in get_sky_metadata function for opensky and lib development
- extra PyPI indexes (service_manager.SK_PYPI_URL, shell.SK_PYPI_URL)
- cmd: Banner in the plane?
- dcos.sky2dcos image location
- deployment timeouts / canaries / health checks (gonna need a strategy pattern here maybe)
- populate (plugin)
- docker.CENTOS (base image), docker.username, docker.uid
- docker.BUILT_INS
- service_manager.HOST_PORTS
- proxy / tunnel (requests + ALL_PROXY env var)
- list of plugins?
- need a "plugins" section for when plugins need a site config value?
- Internal error: 1/0
- Command error: bash false
- Docker build error
- Docker run error
At the time of writing, we currently still load service dependencies from the BUILT_INS map. Ports are not shared. If we switch to site config's services, then a service which depends on two other services would each a MySQL wanting to use 3306. We'll have to answer the question as to whether or not to coordinate sharing these services (merging service dependencies), or clearing out ports, giving each service its own service. The former is more like the current system and is a reasonable approach, it seems.
- Subcommands + arguments
- Have the opportunity to react to global flags (help, verbosity, version)
- Config schema
- Startup action (check / set up tunnel, hit analytics endpoint, check for updates)
Furthermore, site config will probably need a plugins section, and sky will need a way to check plugin upgradability.
TODO on anaconda/gcc in META_REQUIREMENTS because twisted needs gcc to install for ncolony. We should aim to remove gcc from the runtime image.
- Log/analytics/bug reporting