Ruby no longer has to be jealous of PHP’s mail() function, which can send an email in a single command.
Pony.mail(:to => '', :from => '', :subject => 'hi', :body => 'Hello there.') Pony.mail(:to => '', :html_body => '<h1>Hello there!</h1>', :body => "In case you can't read html, Hello there.") Pony.mail(:to => '', :cc => '', :from => '', :subject => 'hi', :body => 'Howsit!')
Any option key may be omitted except for :to. For a complete list of options, see List Of Options section below.
Pony uses /usr/sbin/sendmail to send mail if it is available, otherwise it uses SMTP to localhost.
This can be over-ridden if you specify a via option:
Pony.mail(:to => '', :via => :smtp) # sends via SMTP Pony.mail(:to => '', :via => :sendmail) # sends via sendmail
You can also specify options for SMTP:
Pony.mail({ :to => '', :via => :smtp, :via_options => { :address => '', :port => '25', :user_name => 'user', :password => 'password', :authentication => :plain, # :plain, :login, :cram_md5, no auth by default :domain => "localhost.localdomain" # the HELO domain provided by the client to the server } })
Gmail example (with TLS/SSL)
Pony.mail({ :to => '', :via => :smtp, :via_options => { :address => '', :port => '587', :enable_starttls_auto => true, :user_name => 'user', :password => 'password', :authentication => :plain, # :plain, :login, :cram_md5, no auth by default :domain => "localhost.localdomain" # the HELO domain provided by the client to the server } })
And options for Sendmail:
Pony.mail({ :to => '', :via => :sendmail, :via_options => { :location => '/path/to/sendmail', # defaults to 'which sendmail' or '/usr/sbin/sendmail' if 'which' fails :arguments => '-t' # -t and -i are the defaults } })
If you’re using ssmtp
, set :arguments => ''
You can attach a file or two with the :attachments option:
Pony.mail(..., :attachments => {"" =>"path/to/"), "hello.txt" => "hello!"})
Note: An attachment’s mime-type is set based on the filename (as dictated by the ruby gem mime-types). So ‘foo.pdf’ has a mime-type of ‘application/pdf’
Pony allows you to specify custom mail headers
Pony.mail( :to => '', :headers => { "List-ID" => "...", "X-My-Custom-Header" => "what a cool custom header" } )
Options passed pretty much directly to Mail
to cc bcc from body # the plain text body html_body # for sending html-formatted email subject charset # In case you need to send in utf-8 or similar text_part_charset # for multipart messages, set the charset of the text part attachments # see Attachments section above headers # see Custom headers section above message_id sender # Sets "envelope from" (and the Sender header) reply_to
Other options
via # :smtp or :sendmail, see Transport section above via_options # specify transport options, see Transport section above
Default options can be set so that they don’t have to be repeated. The default options you set will be overriden by any options you pass in to Pony.mail()
Pony.options = { :from => '', :via => :smtp, :via_options => { :host => '' } } Pony.mail(:to => 'foo@bar') # Sends mail to foo@bar from using smtp Pony.mail(:from => '', :to => 'foo@bar') # Sends mail to foo@bar from using smtp
If you need help using Pony, or it looks like you’ve found a bug, we have a google group setup at:
mail > 2.0
Note: these requirements are specified in the gemspec as well. Also, you may need smtp_tls if you want to send via tls/ssl and are using ruby < 1.8.7
Maintained by Ben Prew
Written by Adam Wiggins
Patches contributed by: Arun Thampi, Hiroshi Saito, Jesse Cooke, Mathieu Martin, Neil Mock, Nickolas Means, Othmane Benkirane, Rick Olson Stephen Celis, Thomas Hurst, Kalin Harvey Carl Hörberg
Released under the MIT License:
homepage: mailing list:
Loosen mail dependency to >= 2.0 instead of > 2.0
Specify content-id of attachments as filename@hostname
Update gemfile
Updated docs
Add new option :text_part_charset, which allows you to specify the charset for the text portion
Remove limitations on :via, and let mail handle it (this means you can say things like :via => test)
Add reply-to option and a bundler file
Add default options
Convert to using Mail as the mail-generation backend, instead of TMail
provide the ability to set custom mail headers with something like:
Pony.mail(:headers => {“List-ID” => “…”})
provide the ability to set the Message-Id from Pony.mail
merge in kalin’s fixes to use tmail.destinations instead of trying to parse, and tmail.bcc. New specs to test functionality
Fix bug that was allowing nil :bcc and :cc options to be passed to smtp
Pass :cc and :bcc options to sendmail appropriately
Add :bcc capability
Add :charset capability
Add complete list of options to readme
fix bug: readme examples
default location of sendmail to /usr/sbin/sendmail if sendmail not in path
fix bug: README not showing password option (listed as pass)
Add :cc capability
fix bug: resolve body not displaying when attachments sent
Implemented file attachments option
use TLS if :tls => true