Some of the Queries and Alerts that I think, we should be implementing.
I made this so that I can refer back to it when I'm building monitoring into my apps.
Metrics that trigger alerts based on thresholds, trends, or anomalies. These are critical for proactively identifying issues in your infrastructure, applications, or services.
cpu_usage_seconds_total{job="node_exporter"} > 90
alert: HighCPUUsage
expr: avg(rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="user"}[5m])) by (instance) > 0.9
for: 5m
severity: critical
summary: "CPU usage above 90% for instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
description: "The CPU usage on instance {{ $labels.instance }} has been above 90% for the last 5 minutes."
node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes < 1000000000 # Less than 1 GB available
alert: LowMemory
expr: node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes < 1000000000 # Less than 1GB available
for: 10m
severity: critical
summary: "Low available memory on instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
description: "Available memory on instance {{ $labels.instance }} is less than 1GB for the last 10 minutes."
node_filesystem_size_bytes{job="node_exporter",fstype="ext4"} < 0.1
# less than 10% free
alert: HighDiskUsage
expr: node_filesystem_avail_bytes{fstype="ext4"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype="ext4"} < 0.1 # Less than 10% free
for: 10m
severity: warning
summary: "High disk usage on instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
description: "Disk usage on instance {{ $labels.instance }} is above 90%. Available space is less than 10%."
rate(node_network_receive_bytes_total[5m]) > 1000000 # Rate of network receive > 1MB/s
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le)) > 2 # 95th percentile > 2 seconds
alert: HighRequestLatency
expr: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le, instance)) > 2
for: 1m
severity: critical
summary: "High request latency for instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
description: "The 95th percentile of HTTP request response time for instance {{ $labels.instance }} is above 2 seconds."
rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[5m]) > 0.1 # More than 0.1 errors per second
alert: HighErrorRate
expr: rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[5m]) / rate(http_requests_total[5m]) > 0.05
for: 1m
severity: critical
summary: "High error rate on service {{ $labels.service }}"
description: "More than 5% of requests to service {{ $labels.service }} are failing with 500 status code."
Service Unavailability: Alert when a service is down or unreachable (e.g., no successful HTTP responses)
up{job="my_service"} == 0 # Service is down
alert: ServiceDown
expr: up{job="my_service"} == 0
for: 5m
severity: critical
summary: "Service is down: {{ $labels.instance }}"
description: "The service at {{ $labels.instance }} is unreachable or down."
db_connections{job="db_exporter"} > 100 # More than 100 active connections
alert: HighDatabaseConnections
expr: db_connections{job="db_exporter"} > 100 # More than 100 active connections
for: 5m
severity: warning
summary: "High number of database connections"
description: "The number of active database connections has exceeded 100 in the last 5 minutes."
app_health_status{job="my_app"} == 0 # Application is unhealthy
increase(service_down_total[5m]) > 0 # Service has been down in the last 5 minutes
Metrics that provide detailed information to investigate the root cause of issues when they occur. These metrics help understand the context and diagnose problems.
Debugging metrics provide more granular details about the behavior of your systems and services. They help you understand the context of issues when they arise and help with troubleshooting.
Request Duration by Path: Tracks how long requests take per endpoint or path, which can help isolate performance bottlenecks.
Request Count by Status Code: Breakdown of HTTP requests by response code, useful for debugging issues with specific responses.
http_requests_total{status="404"} # Track 404 errors to identify missing endpoints
db_slow_queries_total{job="db_exporter"} > 10 # More than 10 slow queries
db_query_time_seconds{job="db_exporter"} # Break down by query stage (e.g., "planning", "execution")
Service Response Time Breakdown: Tracks the response time for different types of requests within your services.
service_request_duration_seconds{status="200",service="my_service"} # Break down by service
Queue Length: Tracks the length of request queues or processing pipelines, which could indicate backlog or delays.
queue_length{job="worker_service"} # Track queue length in a worker service
alert: HighQueueLength
expr: queue_length{job="worker_service"} > 1000 # More than 1000 jobs in the queue
for: 5m
severity: warning
summary: "High queue length in worker service"
description: "The queue length for worker service {{ $labels.instance }} has exceeded 1000 jobs."
- My Successful requests SLO is 99.9%
Note about SLO. So, we picked an SLO of 99.9%, meanning, we can allow 0.1% of errors. But how many error can we allow while still respecting our SLO? Lets do the maths.
Since we don't know the number of HTTP requests per minute, we'll assume it's x. Then, the maximum allowed errors per minute would be x * 0.001.
Maximum Allowed Errors per 10m Window = x * 0.001 / 6 (since there are 6 10-minute windows in an hour)
Maximum Allowed Errors per 10m Window = 1,000,000 / 6
Maximum Allowed Errors per 10m Window = 166,667
Variable error rates: Error rates can vary significantly over time, making time windows a less accurate representation of the actual error rate.
Error budget consumption: Burn rate provides a more accurate picture of how quickly your available error budget is being consumed. This is particularly important when you have a limited error budget (e.g., 0.1% SLO).
Proactive decision-making: By monitoring burn rate, you can proactively identify potential issues before your error budget is depleted, allowing for more effective error prevention and mitigation strategies.
- Dynamic SLO adjustments: By monitoring burn rate, you can adjust your SLO in real-time to reflect changes in error rates, ensuring that your SLO remains accurate and effective.
- Error budget optimization: Burn rate analysis can help you optimize your error budget by identifying areas where you can reduce errors and allocate resources more efficiently.
Error rate for a 99.9% SLO : Time to exhaustion
0.1 % exhaustion in 30 days
0.2 % exhaustion in 15 days
1.0 % exhaustion in 03 days
100 % exhaustion in 43 minutes
Burn Rate = (1 - SLO) / (Error Ratio)
Error Budget Consumption = (Burn Rate * Alerting Window) / (period)
2% budget_consumption in long_window:1.0h with burn_rate:14.4 AND 2% budget_consumption in short_window:5m with burn_rate:14.4
5% budget_consumption in long_window:6.0h with burn_rate:6.0 AND 5% budget_consumption in short_window:30m with burn_rate:6.0
10% budget_consumption in long_window:3.0d with burn_rate:1.0 AND 10% budget_consumption in long_window:3d with burn_rate:1.0
- Alert Config Logic
expr: (
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate1h{job="my-job"} > (14.4 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate5m{job="my-job"} > (14.4 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h{job="my-job"} > (6.0 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate30m{job="my-job"} > (6.0 * 0.001)
severity: page
expr: (
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate24h{job="my-job"} > (3 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate2h{job="my-job"} > (3 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate3d{job="my-job"} > 0.001
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h{job="my-job"} > 0.001
severity: ticket
- Associated Alert YAML
alert: HighErrorRatePage
expr: (
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate1h{job="my-job"} > (14.4 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate5m{job="my-job"} > (14.4 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h{job="my-job"} > (6.0 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate30m{job="my-job"} > (6.0 * 0.001)
severity: page
summary: "High error rate for job {{ $labels.job }}"
description: "Error rate for job {{ $labels.job }} has exceeded 0.1% ({{ $value }} errors per minute) for {{ $interval }}"
alert: HighErrorRateTicket
expr: (
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate24h{job="my-job"} > (3 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate2h{job="my-job"} > (3 * 0.001)
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate3d{job="my-job"} > 0.001
job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h{job="my-job"} > 0.001
severity: ticket
summary: "High error rate for job {{ $labels.job }}"
description: "Error rate for job {{ $labels.job }} has exceeded 0.1% ({{ $value }} errors per minute) for {{ $interval }}"
- Recording Rule YAML
- name: slo_errors_per_request_rules
interval: 1h
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate1h
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[1h])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[1h]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_1h"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[6h])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[6h]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_6h"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate5m
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[5m])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[5m]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_5m"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate30m
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[30m])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[30m]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_30m"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate1d
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[1d])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[1d]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_1d"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate2h
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[2h])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[2h]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_2h"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[6h])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[6h]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_6h"
- record: job:slo_errors_per_request:ratio_rate3d
expr: |
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total{status=~"4..|5.."}[3d])) /
sum by (job) (rate(http_requests_total[3d]))
error_type: "total_4xx_and_5xx_3d"
Error Budget = (100% - SLO%) × Time Period ==
- Week:
0.1% × 168 hours = 0.001 × 168 hours = 0.168 hours = 10.08 minutes
- Month:
0.1% × 720 hours = 0.001 × 720 hours = 0.72 hours = 43.2 minutes
- Quarter:
0.1% × 2160 hours = 0.001 × 2160 hours = 2.16 hours = 129.6 minutes
- Year:
0.1% × 8760 hours = 0.001 × 8760 hours = 8.76 hours = 525.6 minutes
- Whch means: I want to alert if
error_rate is > 0.1 for [36h]
which would consume 5% of my 30 day budget.
- Week:
Generic Alert YAML
alert: HighErrorRate expr: job:error_rate:ratio10m > 0.001 # 0.1% error rate (threshold based on SLO) labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: "High error rate for job {{ $labels.job }}" description: "The error rate for job {{ $labels.job }} has exceeded 0.1% in the last 10 minutes."
Prom Config:
rule_files: - "error_rate_rules.yml" # Path to your rule files containing the recording and alerting rules scrape_configs: - job_name: 'your_job' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:8080'] metrics_path: '/metrics'