This editor is organized in a three-level hierarchy:
Level | Brief Description |
Themes | From the list of Themes, select a Theme to modify or clone or delete. Or add a new Theme. |
Theme » Styles | From the list of Styles for the Theme selected in Level 1, select a Style to modify or clone or delete. Or add a new Style for the selected Theme. |
Style Definition | For the Style selected in Level 2, define or modify its Style Definition. |
The Theme - Label field will accept Unicode characters.
When the Theme - Label field content is modified, the New button is replaced by the Reset button. When the change is accepted, the New button will be restored back in place of the Reset button.
The color swatches in the Styles and Styles Definition section are clickable.
Changes in the Style Definition section will disable change of selections at the Styles and Theme levels until the changes are accepted or reset or the themes file is saved or reloaded.
Previous configurations are automatically backed up with each save. Use Load Backup Themes File to load a backup file.
See also: Extract Configuration Data | Append Configuration Data
: The quirky sentences displayed in the Output box are Pangrams. Clicking on the Output box will randomly shuffle through the embedded set.