A Helm chart for Backstage
Homepage: https://github.com/backstage/backstage
Add Delivery Hero public chart repo:
helm repo add deliveryhero https://charts.deliveryhero.io/
A simple install with default values:
helm install deliveryhero/backstage
To install the chart with the release name my-release
helm install my-release deliveryhero/backstage
To install with some set values:
helm install my-release deliveryhero/backstage --set values_key1=value1 --set values_key2=value2
To install with custom values file:
helm install my-release deliveryhero/backstage -f values.yaml
Key | Type | Default | Description |
appConfig.app.baseUrl | string | "https://demo.example.com" |
appConfig.app.googleAnalyticsTrackingId | string | nil |
appConfig.app.title | string | "Backstage" |
appConfig.auth.providers.auth0.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.auth0.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.auth0.development.domain.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_AUTH0_DOMAIN" |
appConfig.auth.providers.github.development.appOrigin | string | "http://localhost:3000/" |
appConfig.auth.providers.github.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.github.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.github.development.enterpriseInstanceUrl.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_INSTANCE_URL" |
appConfig.auth.providers.github.development.secure | bool | false |
appConfig.auth.providers.gitlab.development.appOrigin | string | "http://localhost:3000/" |
appConfig.auth.providers.gitlab.development.audience.$secret.env | string | "GITLAB_BASE_URL" |
appConfig.auth.providers.gitlab.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.gitlab.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.gitlab.development.secure | bool | false |
appConfig.auth.providers.google.development.appOrigin | string | "http://localhost:3000/" |
appConfig.auth.providers.google.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.google.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.google.development.secure | bool | false |
appConfig.auth.providers.microsoft.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.microsoft.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.microsoft.development.tenantId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_MICROSOFT_TENANT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.oauth2.development.appOrigin | string | "http://localhost:3000/" |
appConfig.auth.providers.oauth2.development.authorizationURL.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OAUTH2_AUTH_URL" |
appConfig.auth.providers.oauth2.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.oauth2.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.oauth2.development.secure | bool | false |
appConfig.auth.providers.oauth2.development.tokenURL.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL" |
appConfig.auth.providers.okta.development.appOrigin | string | "http://localhost:3000/" |
appConfig.auth.providers.okta.development.audience.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OKTA_AUDIENCE" |
appConfig.auth.providers.okta.development.clientId.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OKTA_CLIENT_ID" |
appConfig.auth.providers.okta.development.clientSecret.$secret.env | string | "AUTH_OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET" |
appConfig.auth.providers.okta.development.secure | bool | false |
appConfig.backend.baseUrl | string | "https://demo.example.com" |
appConfig.backend.cors.origin | string | "https://demo.example.com" |
appConfig.backend.database.client | string | "pg" |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.database | string | "backstage_plugin_catalog" |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.host | string | "postgresql" |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.password | string | "password" |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.port | int | 5432 |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.ssl.ca | string | nil |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.ssl.rejectUnauthorized | bool | false |
appConfig.backend.database.connection.user | string | "pgsql" |
appConfig.backend.listen.port | int | 7000 |
appConfig.lighthouse.baseUrl | string | "https://demo.example.com/lighthouse-api" |
appConfig.rollbar.organization | string | "example-org-name" |
appConfig.sentry.organization | string | "example-org-name" |
appConfig.techdocs.requestUrl | string | "https://demo.example.com/api/techdocs" |
appConfig.techdocs.storageUrl | string | "https://demo.example.com/api/techdocs/static/docs" |
auth.auth0.clientId | string | "b" |
auth.auth0.clientSecret | string | "b" |
auth.auth0.domain | string | "b" |
auth.azure.api.token | string | "h" |
auth.circleciAuthToken | string | "r" |
auth.github.clientId | string | "c" |
auth.github.clientSecret | string | "c" |
auth.githubToken | string | "g" |
auth.gitlab.baseUrl | string | "b" |
auth.gitlab.clientId | string | "b" |
auth.gitlab.clientSecret | string | "b" |
auth.gitlabToken | string | "g" |
auth.google.clientId | string | "a" |
auth.google.clientSecret | string | "a" |
auth.microsoft.clientId | string | "f" |
auth.microsoft.clientSecret | string | "f" |
auth.microsoft.tenantId | string | "f" |
auth.newRelicRestApiKey | string | "r" |
auth.oauth2.authUrl | string | "b" |
auth.oauth2.clientId | string | "b" |
auth.oauth2.clientSecret | string | "b" |
auth.oauth2.tokenUrl | string | "b" |
auth.okta.audience | string | "b" |
auth.okta.clientId | string | "b" |
auth.okta.clientSecret | string | "b" |
auth.pagerdutyToken | string | "h" |
auth.rollbarAccountToken | string | "f" |
auth.sentryToken | string | "e" |
auth.travisciAuthToken | string | "fake-travis-ci-auth-token" |
backend.containerPort | int | 7000 |
backend.demoData | bool | true |
backend.enabled | bool | true |
backend.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
backend.image.repository | string | "martinaif/backstage-k8s-demo-backend" |
backend.image.tag | string | "test1" |
backend.nodeEnv | string | "development" |
backend.replicaCount | int | 1 |
backend.resources.limits.memory | string | "1024Mi" |
backend.resources.requests.memory | string | "1024Mi" |
database.create | bool | false |
database.driver | string | "pssql" |
database.host | string | "backstage-db.example.com" |
database.instance_id | string | "shared" |
database.name | string | "backstage" |
database.port | int | 5432 |
database.username | string | "backstage" |
frontend.containerPort | int | 80 |
frontend.enabled | bool | true |
frontend.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
frontend.image.repository | string | "martinaif/backstage-k8s-demo-frontend" |
frontend.image.tag | string | "test1" |
frontend.replicaCount | int | 1 |
frontend.resources.limits.memory | string | "256Mi" |
frontend.resources.requests.memory | string | "256Mi" |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
global.postgresql.caFilename | string | "ca.crt" |
global.postgresql.postgresqlUsername | string | "backend-user" |
ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect" | string | "false" |
issuer.clusterIssuer | string | "letsencrypt-staging" |
issuer.email | string | nil |
lighthouse.containerPort | int | 3003 |
lighthouse.database.connection.database | string | "lighthouse_audit_service" |
lighthouse.database.connection.host | string | "postgresql" |
lighthouse.database.connection.password | string | "password" |
lighthouse.database.connection.port | int | 5432 |
lighthouse.database.connection.user | string | "pgsql" |
lighthouse.database.pathToDatabaseCa | string | nil |
lighthouse.enabled | bool | false |
lighthouse.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
lighthouse.image.repository | string | "roadiehq/lighthouse-audit-service" |
lighthouse.image.tag | string | "latest" |
lighthouse.replicaCount | int | 1 |
lighthouse.resources.limits.memory | string | "256Mi" |
lighthouse.resources.requests.memory | string | "256Mi" |
nameOverride | string | "" |
postgresql.enabled | bool | false |
postgresql.initdbScriptsSecret | string | "backstage-postgresql-initdb" |
postgresql.nameOverride | string | "postgresql" |
postgresql.tls.certFilename | string | "tls.crt" |
postgresql.tls.certKeyFilename | string | "tls.key" |
postgresql.tls.certificatesSecret | string | "backstage-postgresql-certs" |
postgresql.tls.enabled | bool | true |
postgresql.volumePermissions.enabled | bool | true |
Name | Url | |
javad-hajiani | no-reply@deliveryhero.com | |
nyambati | no-reply@deliveryhero.com |