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Redox-react includes its own hook APIs, which allow your React Components to subscribe to the redox store and dispatch actions.


Install with npm:

npm install @shuvi/redox-react

Install with yarn

yarn add @shuvi/redox-react


Use different hooks depends on the scenario

Redox offers multiple hooks for different situations.

useModel would be the first choice if there is no suitable hooks to choose.

useRootModel aims to store global variable that offers for all react components.

useRootStatic aims to store global static data, such as environment variable, only get it at first time.

useSharedModel allows you to share data across specific components, not globally but locally.

useStaticModel allows you to share local static data across specific components.

Multiple providers

The global provider would be wrapped from the topest component at the first, but it could have aonother providers applied at runtime, which allows you to change the context.


Global context provider

import * as React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { RedoxRoot } from '@shuvi/redox-react';
import App from './App';
function App() {
    return (
                <App />
const user = defineModel(
		name: 'user',
		state: {
            // state of the store
		reducers: {
            // some reducers
        actions: {
            // some actions
		views: {
			// some views function
	[] // some dependencies

Subscribe to the redox store and get actions from hooks

import * as React from 'react';
import {
} from '@shuvi/redox-react';
// select the state only if the component needs it,
// reduce unnecessary rerendering
const selector = function (stateAndViews: ISelectorParams<typeof user>) {
    return {
        result: stateAndViews.getResultFromView(),
        count: stateAndViews.viewCount()

export default function App() {
    const [state, actions] = useModel(user, selector);
    const [globalState, globalActions] = useRootModel(user);
    const [globalStaticState, _globalActions] = useRootStaticModel(user);
    return (

Share the context across components

import * as React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { createContainer } from '@shuvi/redox-react';

const { Provider: LocalProvider, useSharedModel, useStaticModel } = createContainer();

function ComponentA() {
    const [state, actions] = usesharedModel(user);
    const [staticState, _] = useStaticModel(user);
    return (

function ComponentB() {
    const [state, actions] = usesharedModel(user);
    const [staticState, _] = useStaticModel(user);
    return (

export default function ComponentWithSharedModel() {
    return (
            <ComponentA />
            <ComponentB />

You could implement plugins as middlewares of the store

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import App from './App'
import { redox } from '@shuvi/redox'
import redoxLog from '@shuvi/redox-log'
import persist, { createWebStorage } from '@shuvi/redox-persist'
import { RedoxRoot } from '@shuvi/redox-react'

const modelManager = redox({
	initialState: {},
	plugins: [
				key: 'root',
				storage: createWebStorage('local'),
				// whitelist: ['b'],
				blacklist: ['b'],
				migrate: function (storageState: any, version: number) {
					const count = storageState.count
					if (count && count.value >= 3) {
						count.value = 2
					return storageState

	<RedoxRoot modelManager={modelManager}>
		<App />



import { useModel } from '@shuvi/redox-react';
const [state, actions] = useModel(model: IModel, selector?: ISelector);

Most of time you would use useModel to extract data from the model. It will create new context everytime you use it.


import { useRooteModel } from '@shuvi/redox-react';
const [state, actions] = useRooteModel(model: IModel, selector?: ISelector);

Global Provider context, you can get the global context anywhere, even if the component is unmount, the state will not be destroyed.


import { useRootStaticModel } from '@shuvi/redox-react';
const [state, actions] = useRootStaticModel(model: IModel, selector?: ISelector);

useRootStaticModel is similar to useRootModel, the different is that, useRootStaticModel will not rerender on state changed.


It returns a independent scope Provider, useSharedModel, useStaticModel for context and methods to consume models.

import { createContainer } from '@shuvi/redox-react';
export const { Provider, useSharedModel, useStaticModel } = createContainer();


In the same Provider context, the state is shared across the store


const [state, actions] = useSharedModel(model: IModel, selector?: ISelector);

Share the context across components


const [state, actions] = useStaticModel(model: IModel, selector?: ISelector);

useStaticModel is similar to useSharedModel, the different is that, useStaticModel will not rerender on state changed.

useStaticModel doest not support Destructuring Assignment.