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Basic DIDComm v2 support for modern browsers and NodeJS.

Under the hood

This package is written in Rust using didcomm crate. It compiles to wasm32 and exposes Javascript/Typescript API with wasm-bindgen help. Also wasmp-pack helps in packaging and publishing.


To use didcomm install it with npm

npm install didcomm --save # If you plan use webpack or other bundler

npm install didcomm-node --save # If you plan use it without bundlers in NodeJS

Run demo

WASM_TARGET=nodejs make # builds NodeJS package in pkg directory
cd ./demo
npm install
npm run start

Assumptions and Limitations

  • This library requires wasm32 compatible environment (modern browsers and recent NodeJS are supported).
  • In order to use the library, SecretsResolver and DIDResolver interfaces must be implemented on the application level. Demo application provides 2 simple implementations ExampleDIDResolver and ExampleSecretsResolver that allows resolve locally known DID docs and secrets for tests/demo purposes.
    • Verification materials are expected in JWK, Base58 and Multibase (internally Base58 only) formats.
      • In Base58 and Multibase formats, keys using only X25519 and Ed25519 curves are supported.
      • For private keys in Base58 and Multibase formats, the verification material value contains both private and public parts (concatenated bytes).
      • In Multibase format, bytes of the verification material value is prefixed with the corresponding Multicodec code.
    • Key IDs (kids) used in SecretsResolver must match the corresponding key IDs from DID Doc verification methods.
    • Key IDs (kids) in DID Doc verification methods and secrets must be a full DID Fragment, that is did#key-id.
    • Verification methods referencing another DID Document are not supported (see Referring to Verification Methods).
  • The following curves and algorithms are supported:
    • Encryption:
      • Curves: X25519, P-256
      • Content encryption algorithms:
        • XC20P (to be used with ECDH-ES only, default for anoncrypt),
        • A256GCM (to be used with ECDH-ES only),
        • A256CBC-HS512 (default for authcrypt)
      • Key wrapping algorithms: ECDH-ES+A256KW, ECDH-1PU+A256KW
    • Signing:
      • Curves: Ed25519, Secp256k1, P-256
      • Algorithms: EdDSA (with crv=Ed25519), ES256, ES256K
  • Forward protocol is implemented and used by default.
  • DID rotation (fromPrior field) is supported.
  • DIDComm has been implemented under the following Assumptions


A general usage of the API is the following:

  • Sender Side:
    • Build a Message (plaintext, payload).
    • Convert a message to a DIDComm Message for further transporting by calling one of the following:
      • Message.pack_encrypted to build an Encrypted DIDComm message
      • Message.pack_signed to build a Signed DIDComm message
      • Message.pack_plaintext to build a Plaintext DIDComm message
  • Receiver side:
    • Call Message.unpack on receiver side that will decrypt the message, verify signature if needed and return a Message for further processing on the application level.

1. Build an Encrypted DIDComm message for the given recipient

This is the most common DIDComm message to be used in most of the applications.

A DIDComm encrypted message is an encrypted JWM (JSON Web Messages) that

  • hides its content from all but authorized recipients
  • (optionally) discloses and proves the sender to only those recipients
  • provides message integrity guarantees

It is important in privacy-preserving routing. It is what normally moves over network transports in DIDComm applications, and is the safest format for storing DIDComm data at rest.

See Message::pack_encrypted documentation for more details.

Authentication encryption example (most common case):

// --- Build message from ALICE to BOB ---
const msg = new Message({
  id: "1234567890",
  typ: "application/didcomm-plain+json",
  type: "",
  from: "did:example:alice",
  to: ["did:example:bob"],
  created_time: 1516269022,
  expires_time: 1516385931,
  body: { messagespecificattribute: "and its value" },

// --- Packing encrypted and authenticated message ---

let didResolver = new ExampleDIDResolver([ALICE_DID_DOC, BOB_DID_DOC]);
let secretsResolver = new ExampleSecretsResolver(ALICE_SECRETS);

const [encryptedMsg, encryptMetadata] = await msg.pack_encrypted(
    forward: false, // Forward wrapping is unsupported in current version

console.log("Encryption metadata is\n", encryptMetadata);

// --- Send message ---
console.log("Sending message\n", encryptedMsg);

// --- Unpacking message ---
didResolver = new ExampleDIDResolver([ALICE_DID_DOC, BOB_DID_DOC]);
secretsResolver = new ExampleSecretsResolver(BOB_SECRETS);

const [unpackedMsg, unpackMetadata] = await Message.unpack(

console.log("Receved message is\n", unpackedMsg.as_value());
console.log("Receved message unpack metadata is\n", unpackMetadata);

Anonymous encryption example:

let [encryptedMsg, encryptMetadata] = await msg.pack_encrypted(
  null, // Keep sender as None here
    forward: false, // Forward wrapping is unsupported in current version

Encryption with non-repudiation example:

let [encrypted_msg, encrypt_metadata] = await msg.pack_encrypted(
  ALICE_DID, // Provide information about signer here
    forward: false, // Forward wrapping is unsupported in current version

2. Build an unencrypted but Signed DIDComm message

Signed messages are only necessary when

  • the origin of plaintext must be provable to third parties
  • or the sender can’t be proven to the recipient by authenticated encryption because the recipient is not known in advance (e.g., in a broadcast scenario).

Adding a signature when one is not needed can degrade rather than enhance security because it relinquishes the sender’s ability to speak off the record.

See Message.pack_signed documentation for more details.

let [signed, metadata] = await msg.pack_signed(

3. Build a Plaintext DIDComm message

A DIDComm message in its plaintext form that

  • is not packaged into any protective envelope
  • lacks confidentiality and integrity guarantees
  • repudiable

They are therefore not normally transported across security boundaries.

let plaintext = msg.pack_plaintext(didResolver).expect("Unable pack_plaintext");

How to build

Install wasm-pack from and then

make # Will output modules best-suited to be bundled with webpack
WASM_TARGET=nodejs make # Will output modules that can be directly consumed by NodeJS
WASM_TARGET=web make # Will output modules that can be directly consumed in browser without bundler usage

How to build with wasm-pack build

wasm-pack build # Will output modules best-suited to be bundled with webpack
wasm-pack build --target=nodejs # Will output modules that can be directly consumed by NodeJS
wasm-pack build --target=web # Will output modules that can be directly consumed in browser without bundler usage

How to test in NodeJS

WASM_TARGET=nodejs make
cd ./tests-js
npm install
npm test

How to test in Browser

WASM_TARGET=nodejs make
cd ./tests-js
npm install
npm run test-puppeteer

Note tests will be executed with jest+puppeteer in Chromium installed inside node_modules.

Hot to publish to NPM with wasm-pack publish

wasm-pack publish

🔋 Batteries Included


PRs are welcome!

The following CI checks are run against every PR:

  • No warnings from cargo check --all-targets
  • No warnings from npm run check in tests-js directory
  • No warnings from npm run check in demo directory
  • All tests must pass with npm test in tests-js directory
  • Rust code must be formatted by cargo fmt --all
  • Javascript/Typescript code must be formatted by prettier npx prettier --write .