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File metadata and controls

139 lines (102 loc) · 4.36 KB


This folder contains code for reproducing our disentanglement experiments.


The only dependency is the DyNet library, which can usually be installed with:

pip3 install dynet


To see all options, run:

python3 --help


To train, provide the --train argument followed by a series of filenames.

The example command below will train a model with the same parameters as used in the ACL paper. The model is a feedforward neural network with 2 layers, 512 dimensional hidden vectors, and softsign non-linearities.

python3 \
  example-train \
  --train ../data/train/*annotation.txt \
  --dev ../data/dev/*annotation.txt \
  --hidden 512 \
  --layers 2 \
  --nonlin softsign \
  --word-vectors ../data/glove-ubuntu.txt \
  --epochs 20 \
  --dynet-autobatch \
  --drop 0 \
  --learning-rate 0.018804 \
  --learning-decay-rate 0.103 \
  --seed 10 \
  --clip 3.740 \
  --weight-decay 1e-07 \
  --opt sgd \
  > example-train.out 2>example-train.err


This command will run the model trained above on the development set:

python3 \
  example-run.1 \
  --model example-train.dy.model \
  --test ../data/dev/*annotation* \
  --test-start 1000 \
  --test-end 2000 \
  --hidden 512 \
  --layers 2 \
  --nonlin softsign \
  --word-vectors ../data/glove-ubuntu.txt \
  > example-run.1.out 2>example-run.1.err

Note - the arguments defining the network (hidden, layers, nonlin), must match those given in training.


This command will run the output produced by the command above through the evaluation script:

python3 ../tools/evaluation/ --gold ../data/dev/*annotation* --auto example-run.1.out

The output should be something like:

g/a/m: 2607 2500 1855
p/r/f: 74.2 71.2 72.6

The first row is a count of the gold links, auto links, and matching links. The second line is the precision, recall, and F-score.

Note - the values in the paper are an average over 10 runs, so they will differ slightly from what you get here.

Running on a file

If you want to apply a model to a file, see this script for an example of how to do it: The script is set up so someone could call it like so (once the necessary placeholders in the script are set):

./ < sample.ascii.txt > sample.links.txt


For the best results, we used a simple ensemble of multiple models. We trained 10 models as described above, but with different random seeds (1 through to 10). We combined their output using the script in this directory.

The same script is used for all three ensemble methods, with slightly different input and arguments:


./ example-run*graphs --method union > example-run.combined.union


./ example-run*graphs --method vote >


./ example-run*clusters --method intersect > example-run.combined.intersect

All of these assume the output files have been converted into our graph format. Assuming you run above and save the output of each run as example-run.1.out, example-run.2.out, example-run.3.out, etc, then this command will use one of our tools to convert them to the graph format:

for name in example-run*out ; do ../tools/format-conversion/ < $name > $name.graphs ; done

The intersect method also assumes they have been made into clusters, like this:

for name in example-run*out ; do ../tools/format-conversion/ < $name.graphs > $name.clusters ; done

Note: An earlier version of the steps above didn't account for a change in the output of the main system. Apologies for the broken output this would have caused.

C++ Model

As well as the main Python code, we also wrote a model in C++ that was used for DSTC 7 and the results in the 2018 arXiv version of the paper (the Python version was used for DSTC 8 and the 2019 ACL paper). The python model has additional input features and a different text representation method. The C++ model has support for a range of additional variations in both inference and modeling, which did not appear to improve performance. For details on how to build and run the C++ code, see this page.

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