This project contains an Ansible playbook to set up a Liferay Portal server. It can either be used to set up a test, stage, production or any other environment, as well as provisioning a Vagrant VM for development purposes.
Setup/provisioning includes the installation of a Liferay Portal server and its prerequisites:
- a MySQL database
- a Java 7 JDK
- a Liferay 6.2 Tomcat bundle.
Starting and provisioning the VM requires the following software packages to be installed:
Please note that the download tasks in (some of) the role submodules require
passwordless sudo on Your local host, because the archives are cached a
directory, that normally isn't beyond user access (see local_ansible_data_path
With the provided default configuration for the development environment with
Vagrant, the auto deploy directory of the Liferay Portal server is accessible
from outside the VM, so that each (developed) extension can be deployed only by
copying its *.war
archive to that directory.
See Vagrant Documentation how to work with Vagrant. Important commands are:
vagrant up
vagrant provision
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
After the VM is successfully started and provisioned, open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser and follow the requested steps. Sign in with the default admin user:
- Email Address:
- Password:
If an enterprise edition of the Liferay Portal server is installed, a file containing a valid license has to be provided. It can simply be copied into the liferay-deploy directory and the server will automatically apply it.
The extension development might e.g. be organised in a Maven (multi module) project. It should be configured with the path to the liferay-deploy directory.
The Ansible playbook, that is used to provision the Vagrant VM, can also be used
to set up the Liferay system (including MySQL and Java) on other environments
(servers), too. For each additional environment, an inventory file
has to be created. Replicate an existing
inventory file and adjust its contents regarding to the new environment and/or
see the documentation on the Ansible home page:
Ansible Docs - Inventory.
If the new environment requires custom configurations, create a file
and configure the variables that
should be overwritten.
To run the setup call:
ansible-playbook ansible/playbook.yml \
-i ansible/inventory/[environment]
The default variables define the (currently) latest version of the Liferay
Portal server for installation. If a server should be set up with another
version, those variables can be overwritten, e.g. in the regarding
file for the server to be set up.
Prefedined variables for known versions can be found in the directory
and can simply be overwritten in
the ansible/host_vars/[environment].yml