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File metadata and controls

123 lines (73 loc) · 4.71 KB


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Example Symfony3 project based on spid-symfony-bundle to demonstrate how to integrate SPID login.

SPID is the Italian digital identity system, which enables citizens to access all public services with a single set of credentials.

The project was initially created with:

php symfony.phar new spid-symfony3-example 3.4

Getting Started

Tested on: amd64 Debian 9.5 (stretch, current stable) with PHP 7.0.

Supports PHP 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2.


sudo apt install composer make openssl php-curl php-zip php-xml phpunit php-cli

Configuring and Installing

Before using this package, you must:

  1. Configure your application in the app/config/parameters.yml file (you can use app/config/parameters.yml.dist as a template)

  2. Configure SPID in the spid_symfony key in the app/config/config.yml file, you should at least adapt the base url (used in the sp_entityid, sp_singlelogoutservice and sp_assertionconsumerservice keys) to your needs

  3. Install PHP dependencies with composer

  4. Download and verify the Identity Provider (IdP) metadata files; it is advised to place them in a separate idp_metadata/ directory. A convenience tool is provided for this purpose: bin/download_idp_metadata.php.

  5. Generate key and certificate for the Service Provider (SP).

The last three steps can be performed in an unattended fashion with:

composer install
mkdir -p example/idp_metadata
make -f ./vendor/italia/spid-php-lib/Makefile
./vendor/italia/spid-php-lib/bin/download_idp_metadata.php ./example/idp_metadata

NOTE: during testing, it is highly adviced to use the test Identity Provider spid-testenv2.


  1. Execute the php bin/console server:start command

  2. Visit http://localhost:8000/metadata to get the SP (Service Provider) metadata, then copy these over to the IdP and register the SP

  3. Browse to the http://localhost:8000/reserved, you should see: Authentication Required

  4. Visit http://localhost:8000/ and click login

  5. Browse to the http://localhost:8000/reserved, you should see: Really reserved stuff here !

This screencast shows what you should see if all goes well:



It is advised to install a browser plugin to trace SAML messages:

In addition, you can use the SAML Developer Tools provided by onelogin to understand what is going on


Unit tests

Launch unit tests with PHPunit:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --stderr --testdox tests


This project complies with the PSR-2: Coding Style Guide.

Lint the code with:

./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 xxx.php


For your contributions please use the git-flow workflow.

See also


Andrea Manzi (Comune di Firenze) and Paolo Greppi (simevo s.r.l.)


Copyright (c) 2018, The respective authors

License: BSD 3-Clause, see LICENSE file.