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Multi-Threaded word list generator (no repetition) and permutation generator

Make CodeQL Valgrind


--start        <mininum words/chars to concatenate>
--end          <maximum words/chars to concatenate>


--last         <words/chars to be putted at the end of each permutation (separeted by ,)>
--connectors   <char/s to use as connector/s>
--upper        <full/first> print also the permutation with all/first letter/s in uppercase
--leet         <full/vowel> print also the permutation with leet in all/vowel chars positions
--reverse      <full/words> print also the permutation with reversed chars/words


if one or more modifiers are setted, print only the transformations created with all modifiers instead of printing each one
avoid print in each thread and print only when threads join, better performances but all permutations are keeped in memory
All the words with the delimiter "," (ex. fish,es) will be considered as shortened permutation, in this case only short string or full string will be in a single permutation.
So, if you have in input fishes and fish and max word = 2, the permutation fishesfish will be created.
Instead, if "," is used, and in input you have fish,es the permutation fishesfish will not be created, but you'll have (for example) fishOTHERWORD fishesOTHERWORD
words/chars go after parameters separeted by space

Random mode parameters

You can also generate a random dataset with these parameters
--random <ntimes,length> where ntimes are the number of strings printed and length the (obv) length of each string
--charset <ascii/num/alpha/alphalower/alphaupper/alphanum/alphanumupper> the charset used
In which charset parameters are

ascii: [\x00-\x7F]
num: [0-9]
alpha: [A-Za-z]
alpha lower: [a-z]
alpha upper: [A-Z]
alphanum: [0-9A-Za-z]
alphanum upper: [0-9A-Z]
You can also use your own charset, passed after the parameter --random x,y

Compile and Run

1) Change number of threads directly in file main.h (best probably would be same number of phisical core)
2) $ make
3) $ ./seperm <parameters>

Sample usage normal mode

We want all permutation without repetition of a b c d e f g h i l m of length 11.

./seqperm --start 11 --end 11 a b c d e f g h i l m

We want all permutation without repetition of a b c d e f g h i l m from length 1 to length 11.

./seqperm --start 1 --end 11 a b c d e f g h i l m

We want all permutation without repetition of a b c d e f g h i l m of 3/4/5 characters length with connectors , and . between chars and numbers 0 and 1 at the end.

We dont't want any uppercase first character.

./seqperm --start 3 --end 5 --last 0,1 --connectors ,. a b c d e f g h i l m

We want all the permutation of length 2/3/4 words of john titor ibm time travel with shortened string on titor with connector . and last chars !? and numers 2024 24 with leet only with vowel and upper case in first character, we don't want reverse
To print all permutations for every possible combination of modifiers

./seqperm --start 2 --end 4 --connectors . --last !,?,2024,24 --leet vowel --upper first john tit,or ibm time travel

If we want only the permutations with all the modifiers simultaneously

./seqperm --start 2 --end 4 --connectors . --last !,?,2024,24 --leet vowel --upper first --only-transformations john tit,or ibm time travel

Complexity as number of permutation generated

$$ (\sum_{k=start}^{end}{\binom{words}{k} \cdot k!}) \times (connectors + 1) \times (upper + 1) \times (last + 1) \times (leet + 1) \times (reverse + 1) $$

Sample usage random mode

We want to generate 1M strings of length 12 with our own charset

./seqperm --random 1000000,12 abcdefgh1234

We want to generate 1M strings of length 12 with default charset ascii

./seqperm --random 1000000,12 --charset ascii

Benchmarks (vs itertools)

Apple M1 with N_THREADS = 8

Refer to total value for real execution time
print functions deal serious bottleneck

Trying to generate all permutations from length 1 to length 11 of a b c d e f g h i l m

seqperm 30,06s user 60,88s system 26,947 total
itertools 72,94s user 0,06s system 1:13,10 total

Trying to generate all permutations from length 1 to length 8 of a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q

seqperm 91,48s user 219,63s system 1:21,62 total
itertools 169,68s user 0,13s system 2:50,11 total

Trying to generate all permutations of length 11 of a b c d e f g h i l m
In this case there's only one subset, so only one thread will be used in seqperm
We do this to make fair compare about a single n! permutation

seqperm 6,49s user 0,01s system 99% cpu 6,510 total
itertools 28,18s user 0,03s system 99% cpu 28,310 total