A policy rule specifies expected values for each attribute bases on a defined comparison. Using this comparison the library is able to determine if the attribute matches the expected value and passes the rule.
- isGreaterThan (>)
- isGreaterThanEqualTo (>=)
- isLesserThan (<)
- isLesserThanEqualTo (<=)
- isStrictlyEqual (===)
- isEqual (==)
- isStrictlyNotEqual (!==)
- isNotEqual (!=)
- isMoreRecentThan
- isLessRecentThan
- isIn
- isNotIn
- intersect
- doesNotIntersect
- boolAnd (&&)
- boolIsEqual (===)
- boolOr (||)
- bitwiseAnd (&)
- bitwiseXor (^)