- Fix a bug in Ruby 3.2
- Test against Ruby 3.1 and 3.2
- Stop testing against 2.5 and 2.6
- Implement auto deploy
- Remove support for ruby 2.4
- Implement auto deploy
- Remove support for ruby 2.4
- Removes legacy compatibility hack which stops
from working.
- Adds Turnip 4 support
- Removes Turnip 2 support
- Removes deprecated way of calling features
- Support for Turnip 3.0
- Dropped testing for older ruby versions
- Support for Rspec 3.5 is fixed
- Locked to Rspec versions between 3 and 3.4 as currently 3.5 is not supported
- Removed activesupport dependency as no longer required.
- Fixes ability for parallel_tests to handle turnip output, even when rutabaga is used. This has been broken since version 2.0
- No Turnip Mode: Turnip support can now be disabled by including
for example by callingrspec -r rutabaga/no_turnip
- When requesting features outside of the turnip directory
a warning is issued
- Features should now be called directly in the describe block rather than inside an
block. This allows specific scenarios to be run without having to run the entire feature.
describe "the feature" do
it "runs the feature" do
step "first step" do
feature "the feature" do
step "first step" do
The old way is deprecated.
- Refactor of Turnip and RSpec integration to simplify
- Improved feature finding, allowing features in the current directory to be found without specifying full path
- Drop support for turnip versions less than 2.
- Drop support (because of turnip) for rspec versions less than 3.