While I spent a lot of time working with Python and learning the ins and outs of libraries like Flask and PyGame, I have moved on to many other fields, notably web development and embedded systems/hardware.
: My 3D software renderer. It's built with Python but I've made a port to C/C++ for embedded systems (dimensional_embedded
: My wrapper for TCP sockets (and also my first mildly useful project). It is abandoned but was fun to make. ๐ป
: A powerful webproxy based on the Arc Browser
While I love coding, I also have an interest in robotics, circuits, and hardware. I love tinkering with small microcontrollers and SoCs (like the ESP32) and making systems or other cool devices.
- I've made a tiny Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
- I've created an embeddable 3D rendering pipeline
- I've interned at Nize LLC and led a product for automating attendance in class
- I've participated in several Hackathons, both in-person and online, as well as game jams
World Domination ๐