This repository contains a self-hosted version of requestbin, that run on Azure Container Instances.
Requestbin was a great web site, that could be used for recording http request when building and using web hooks.
Unfortunately which was the hosted version of the site, have been closed due to abuse. This Azure ARM template allows you to run your own version of the site in Azure. Spinning up a site takes a couple of minutes, and it can be deleted in seconds when no longer needed.
Running the request bin site on Azure have the following costs associated with its resources
- Azure Function (Dynamic Plan) - Pay Per Use
- Azure Container Instance 1 CPU / 1 GB Ram for the requestbin web site
- Azure Container Instance 1 CPU / 1 GB Ram for thr redis cache
- Total cost ~ 3 $ / day
In other words don't let it run 24x7 if you want to do that you are better off installing it in a VM or on Kubernetes.
After the template deployment is complete you can access requestbin site using the following urls:
- If you need https, you have to use
- You can also access it using the ACI domain at
e.g. could bewesteurope
if you created the resource group in that region. Note this URL doesn't support https, as that is yet to come for ACI, which is why I included the azure function reverse proxy in the template, as you most likely need https.