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codecov NuGet

Use this library to implement the Repository pattern. Designed with Clean Architecture in mind. Hereafter the terminology from a Clean Architecture will be used. It consists of 3 packages:

  • Skova.Repositoty.Abstractions: This package contains base repository abstractions. Use it in your Application layer. Has no dependencies.
dotnet add package Skova.Repositoty.Abstractions
  • Skova.Repository.Impl: This package depends on Skova.Repository.Abstractions, Automapper and EF Core. Use this package in your Persistent layer to implement specifications logic.
dotnet add package Skova.Repository.Impl
  • Skova.Repository.DependencyInjection: Provides API for dependencies registrations through IServiceCollection. Use this package to register dependencies. This package
dotnet add package Skova.Repository.DependencyInjection


Application Layer

In your Application layer, use the following abstractions:

  • IUnitOfWork - represents unit-of-work that will be used to manage entities. UnitOfWork is usually registered in DI containers as scoped associated with some business transaction. Skova.Repository.Imp Where and how to leave feedback such as link to the project issues, Twitter, bug trry for a domain layer's entity of the specified TDomain type. Supports operations for creating updating and deleting entities from a unit of work using AddAsync, Update and Delete methods. To load entities from storage to unit-of-work or get them from storage without attaching them to the unit-of-work, you should call method With and provide a specification of the entities you want to receive. Also, it supports the updation and deletion of entities that fit provided specification directly in storage like EF Core do (See "ExecuteUpdate and ExecuteDelete" article in the MSDN documentation for details). You should use the method With first and provide specifications that will be used to define entities you want to update or delete.

  • ISpecification<TDomain> - represents a specification for a domain layer's entity of the specified TDomain type. Specifications are used to customize queries when you want to load data from storage. This library doesn't strict developers to use some API for specifications and leaves it up to you how to design specifications API.

Sample specification may look like this:

public interface IPersonSpecification : ISpecification<Person>
    void GetById(Guid id);
    void ByName(string name, bool exactMatch = false);
    void MinimalAge(int age);

    void OrderByAge(bool descending = false);

Also, you may organize some of specifications into a hierarchy:

public interface IPersonSpecification : ISpecification<Person>, IEntitySpecification
    void ByName(string name, bool exactMatch = false);
    void MinimalAge(int age);

    void OrderByAge(bool descending = false);
    void IncludeJobs();

public interface IEntitySpecification : ISpecification<Entity>
    void GetById(Guid id);

Persistence layer

Add Skova.Repository.Impl package to your project(s) of the Persistence layer. This package contains classes that are ready to use:

  • UnitOfWork<TDbContext> - default implementation of IUnitOfWork. Requires to specify db context type as TDbContext. In your Persistence layer, you should implement at least your specifications.

  • GenericRepository<TDomain, TDb, TDbContext> - default generic implementation of the IRepository interface. You should specify the type of a domain entity (TDomain), type of the corresponding db entity (TDb) and it requires specifying db context type (TDbContext)

  • QueryTransformationsContainer<TDb> - tool for containing query transformations. This class is useful in specification implementation classes (see the following examples). De facto QueryTransformationsContainer<> just wraps List<Func<IQueryable<TDb>, IQueryable<TDb>>> and implements IQueryTranformation<>.

Types registration in DI

Skova.Repository.DependencyInjection package contains extension methods that make DI registrations of these classes much easier, in fluent style:

    .AddRepositoryAsScoped<Person, DbPerson>(config => config.AddKeyRecognizer(p => new object[] { p.Id }))
    .AddSpecificationAsTransient<IPersonSpecification, PersonSpecification>();

Which is equivalent to:

services.AddScoped<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork<CompanyDbContext>>();
services.AddScoped<IRepository<Person>, GenericRepository<Person, DbPerson, CompanyDbContext>>();
services.AddTransient<ISpecification<Person>, PersonSpecification>();
    sp => () => (IPersonSpecification)sp.GetRequiredService(typeof(PersonSpecification)));

AddUnitOfWorkAsScoped is used to register UnitOfWork for a db context. Then you can chain registrations of repositories associated with this unit-of-work through AddRepositoryAsScoped method. During repository registration, you should register specifications for TDomain type in one of two ways:

  • chain one or more AddSpecification* methods right after AddRepositoryAsScoped
  • using config argument of the AddRepositoryAsScoped method.

Important! that you should register KeyRecognizer<TDomain> delegate for any domain type used by the registered GenericRepository<>. That can be done through AddKeyRecognizer method by chaining it after AddRepositoryAsScoped or calling it in the scope of the configuration lambda argument of AddRepositoryAsScoped.

Implementing specifications

Typical specification implementation is working in two phases:

  1. Specify criteria needed to determine a set of domain entities for further processing (like retrieving from storage, updation or deletion)
  2. Apply transformation for IQuery<TDb> (DbSet usually) which will be used by EF Core for further processing of target db entities

Inside your specification use QueryTransformationsContainer<> to accumulate query transformations in phase (1) and apply transformations in phase (2) Your specification implementation class should

  • Implement ISpecification<TDomain> interface for target domain entity of TDomain type, which will be used in phase (1)
  • Implement IQueryTransformer<TDb> to apply transformation in phase (2)


You may inherit your specifications from QueryTransformationsContainer<TDb> which contains query transformations and implements IQueryTransformer<TDb> by applying collected transformations in the order, they were added:

public class EntitySpecification : QueryTransformationsContainer<TDb>, IEntitySpecification
    public void GetById(Guid id)
        AddTranformation(q => q.Where(p => p.Id == id));

In the case of hierarchies of entities, specification implementation became more tricky. We collect query transformations in QueryTransformationsContainer<TDb> But we can't just re-use QueryTransformationsContainer<DbEntity> in children's classes, because we can't pass transformations for inherited db entities like _container.AddTranformation((IQueryable<DbPerson> q) => q.Where(Id = id)) - compilator cannot convert that lambda expression to Func<IQueryable<DbEntity>, IQueryable<DbEntity>>. But you may do this in this way:

public class EntitySpecification<TDomain, TDb> : QueryTransformationsContainer<TDb>, IEntitySpecification
    where TDomain : Entity
    where TDb : DbEntity
    public void GetById(Guid id)
        AddTranformation(q => q.Where(p => p.Id == id));

public class PersonSpecification : EntitySpecification<Person, DbPerson>, IPersonSpecification
    public void ByName(string name, bool exactMatch = false)
        AddTranformation(q => q.Where(p => p.Name == name));

    public void MinimalAge(int age)
        AddTranformation(q => q.Where(p => p.Age >= age));

    public void OrderByAge(bool descending = false)
        AddTranformation(q => descending ? q.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age) : q.OrderBy(p => p.Age));

    public void IncludeJobs()
        AddTranformation(q => q.Include(p => p.Jobs));

Here EntitySpecification is a base class for specifications as well as Entity is the root base class for entities like Person. Note, that we use parametrization with constraint for type parameters to Entities-derived classes for both layers domain and db. This is required to make all IQuery<TDb> transformations be typed with the most specific entity type.

When you need to add other specification classes that inherits PersonSpecification, you should change the PersonSpecification signature to make it generic as follows:

public class PersonSpecification<TPerson, TDbPerson> : EntitySpecification<TPerson, TDbPerson>, IPersonSpecification
    where TPerson : Person    
    where TDbPerson : DbPerson

So inherited from PersonSpecification<> classes will specify specific domain and db entity types they need. I.e.:

public class EmployeeSpecification : PersonSpecification<TEmployee, TDbEmployee>, IEmployeeSpecification

Also, it is not necessary to use QueryTransformationsContainer<> I.e. in some performance-critical cases you may decide to optimize memory consumption and implement it in a not such convenient way:

public class JobSpecification : IJobSpecification, IQueryTransformer<DbJob>
    Guid? _id = null;
    string _title = null;
    string _description = null;
    DateTimeOffset? _startDate = null;
    DateTimeOffset? _endDate = null;

    bool? _orderByStartDateDescending = null;
    bool? _orderByEndDateDescending = null;

    public void GetById(Guid id) => _id = id;

    public void ByTitle(string title) => _title = title;
    public void ByDescription(string description) => _description = description;
    public void ByStartDate(DateTimeOffset startDate) => _startDate = startDate;
    public void ByEndDate(DateTimeOffset endDate) => _endDate = endDate;

    public void OrderByStartDate(bool descending = false) => _orderByStartDateDescending = descending;
    public void OrderByEndDate(bool descending = false) => _orderByEndDateDescending = descending;

    public IQueryable<DbJob> Apply(IQueryable<DbJob> query)
        if (_id != null)
            query = query.Where(p => p.Id == _id);
        if (_title != null)
            query = query.Where(p => p.Title == _title);
        if (_description != null)
            query = query.Where(p => p.Description == _description);
        if (_startDate != null)
            query = query.Where(p => p.StartDate == _startDate);
        if (_endDate != null)
            query = query.Where(p => p.EndDate == _endDate);
        if (_orderByStartDateDescending != null)
            query = _orderByStartDateDescending.Value
                ? query.OrderByDescending(p => p.StartDate) 
                : query.OrderBy(p => p.StartDate);

        if (_orderByEndDateDescending != null)
            query = _orderByEndDateDescending.Value
                ? query.OrderByDescending(p => p.EndDate) 
                : query.OrderBy(p => p.EndDate);

        return query;