Title: Modern software approaches for IEs (~30 pages at most)
Chapter 0 - Introduction ~3-5 pages
- The goal of this research project is to contribute significantly towards the design and development of a highly-parallelised, scalable, software infrastructure for `Fast Algorithms'
- `Fast Algorithms' - explain how they arise from dense matrices with hierarchical structures that allows for numerical compression of off-diagonals for optimal application/inversion.
- Specific outputs:
- Parallel tree library
- Parallel FMM library
- Re-use of data structures to create fast direct solver library in the near future.
- Context
- Next gen BEM software
- can scale from laptops to supercomputers
- deployed with ease with interpreted language interfaces for non-computational researchers
- Problems that can be studied
- virus simulation
- geophysics
- ML
- Next gen BEM software
- Impact
- solvers in this domain are either
- designed to numerically validate an algorithmic approach
- heavily optimised to achieve performance
- nothing extensible really available
- as a testbed for algorithmic experimentation
- extension to differing applications in which these algorithms apply.
- or as a testbed for new implementation approaches
- new hardware etc.
- the impact of a particular method is defined by how easy it is for software to be extended OR to be run as a black box.
- solvers in this domain are either
Chapter 1 - A Python FMM ~3-5 pages
What is the FMM?
What are kernel-independent FMMs?
- Benefits of this approach
- Computational bottlenecks and open implementation issues
- Tree construction
- Design and implementation of translation operators
- Simple software interfaces extensible to new techniques/hardware and accessible from familiar interpreted languages (python/matlab etc)
Why did we try a Python FMM?
- Fulfills many of the requirements we need for our infrastructure
- large ecosystem of software for science
- easy to deploy
- easy to write and extend
- JIT compiled approaches make it easy to extend to new hardware targets using LLVM infrastructure.
Why did it not succeed?
- Why JIT compiled approaches are not sufficient.
- What alternatives are emerging (Mojo) and why these aren't necessarily a competitor to compiled languages.
- What do we need from a language for our approach? And why is Rust a suitable alternative?
Chapter 2 - Rust as a tool for computational science ~ 2 pages - Its benefits and pitfalls. - Traits for bottom up design. - Memory safety, contrast with C++/C - Python/C interfaces - Cargo as a package manager/deployment tool. - Parallel programming safety via the borrow checker. - Comparison with major competitors - C/C++ and Fortran - Also JIT approaches, as well as MoJo's approach.
Chapter 3 - Open work streams ~5-10 pages
Brief introduction to the FMM we use (KiFMM)
Why are the translation operators and tree construction the biggest bottlenecks and what past work has been done to optimise these pieces?
SVD based M2L
- description of approach
- computational optimisations (BLAS3, precomputation with randomised SVD, multithreading)
FFT based M2L
- description of approach
- computational optimisations (explicit SIMD, multithreading)
Contrast approaches in terms of complexity, as well as practical considerations
Identify a gap in the literature to directly compare the optimisation approaches on modern hardware.
- propose this as upcoming paper.
Current benchmark performance of FFT vs SVD
- how can this be further improved, and why is it not quite as good as the state of the art
runtime cache optimisations are not good enough
- can demonstrate with experiment of saves
insufficiently good data structure used for storing data, it's too non-linear
FFT is done on array of structs, which is difficult to cache optimise
- can we do fft on real and imaginary parts separately?
- Then I still have to find downward check potential, hopefully this isn't too painful
I need to find exact numbers for the workload of each thread at the moment
- how much memory is it touching? How many flops?
- Then I can try and write down an algorithm such that the amount of memory handled in total doesn't exceed the capacity of a typical high performance processor, as well as handle generic processors.
- how can this be further improved, and why is it not quite as good as the state of the art
High performance distributed trees
- Our algorithmic approach and why its the most appropriate for our usecase
- double global sort etc justified.
- Design approach to easily extend single to multiple nodes.
- Key shared traits and how these help.
- Our algorithmic approach and why its the most appropriate for our usecase
some preliminary scaling experiments.
- How many octants can I get scaling on a single node?
- How many octants can I get on Kathleen?
Unimplemented innovations to improve trees and hyksort (communicator optimisations)
- need to review the tree papers I was reading in vienna, and write down some potential optimisations.
- yokota (2014?/16) talk a lot about the exact communication bottlenecks in parallel FMM.
- how can we avoid these bottlenecks, beyond overlapping comm/comp,
- M2L stage data exchange is the worst part.
- will need some discussion on how to take advantage of halos here, just a paragraph or so.
- M2L stage data exchange is the worst part.
- Sub communicators to improve strong scaling in M2M/L2L
- Review p4est's optimisations as they are state of the art
- suggest how we can incorporate/improve on these - how we differ (two global sorts etc.)
- need to review the tree papers I was reading in vienna, and write down some potential optimisations.
Design of Rust based FMM on a single node
- Builder pattern to construct an algorithm, agnostic of runtime
- Brief discussion on how this would translate to a multinode setting via trait implementations.
- Explain current status of project code.
Conclusion ~1 page
- Comparison study of M2L
- Completion of distributed FMM
- Longer term/ final project - incorporation of fast direct solvers into software framework.