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Testnet Discovery Address Change Instructions

Asgaror edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 8 revisions

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Testnet Discovery Address Change Instructions

This article outlines the necessary steps to update the discovery address of the Skywire testnet's discovery server.

Table Of Contents


As of September 2019 the discovery address of the Skywire Testnet Discovery Server changed. Thus, all testnet participants must update the discovery address on their Skyminer (both official and DIY are affected).

The old and invalid discovery address is as follows:

The new and valid discovery address is this:

Please understand that adjusting the discovery address is mandatory if you want to continue generating the necessary uptime for being rewarded. Note that your rewards of September are not affected by this change!

The following sections guide you through the update procedure. Join the Skywire Telegram channel if you need further assistance and make sure to join the Skywire PSA channel as well to stay up-to-date.

Backup Your Data

If you do not feel confident in performing these steps, please backup your data. Two backups may be performed:

  • use this guide to backup your public keys before you proceed. Restoring public keys is always a quick option in case something goes wrong.
  • perform an image backup following this guide (follow option #1). This guide applies to any SBC and not just Raspberry Pi.

Please read the following steps of this guide very carefully and make sure you understand each steps before execution.

Official Skyminers

Please note that the preferred update procedure for official miner owners is to use our new flashing software Skyflash along with our custom OS Skybian.

Skybian comes with everything preconfigured and Skyflash takes care of preparing it for running in your specific local network. Refer to the installation article for details on how to install Skywire via Skyflash & Skybian.

Important: The following steps are only to be performed if your recently flashed Skybian image is of version 0.0.4 (v.0.0.4) and it does not automatically connect to the new testnet discovery server. People that downloaded Skybian version 0.0.5 (v.0.0.5) are not affected and do not have to perform the following steps.

The following are the 'requirements':

  • Users that are still using the old prepared images that were used prior to the release of Skybian must have performed the one-time-upgrade at one point (see this article for details). Note that for this to work you must update the OS from Debian 8 to Debian 9. The original 'next steps' section in the appendix of our installation guide includes the necessary links to accomplish just that.
  • You need a SSH client like Putty if you're on Windows to connect to the nodes (Linux/OSX users may just use the regular terminal/console)
  • You need to know the root credentials of each node
    • the default root password depends on the prepared image you are using:
      • official images without the one-time-upgrade -> samos (You must perform the upgrade!)
      • official images with the one-time-upgrade -> skywire
      • Skybian image v.0.0.4 -> skybian
  • Each Skyminer node must have a working internet connection


  1. Access a node (try manager node first) as root via the network: ssh root@your-node-ip and provide the root password
  2. Move to a temp folder: cd /tmp
  3. Get the update script: wget
  4. Run the script: bash upgrade-discovery
  5. Reboot: reboot

If everything goes well you will be kicked from the terminal SSH session. Please connect to the next node and repeat these steps. Once you've performed the steps on all nodes, login to your manager and check if all of your nodes display a green status LED thus being connected and you are done. Manual confirmation of your nodes being online can be achieved by following the steps of the Online Status Verification User Guide and replacing with

Do not forget to update your registered public keys in the Skywire Whitelisting System! User guide can be found in the Skywire Whitelisting System User Guide](

DIY Skyminers

The following sections contain update instructions for our most popular DIY user guides. The title of each section is equal to the related thread title on or of the related medium blog post.

Skywire Systemd Service - Skywire systemd service setup guide

Taken from:

Please recall that you must perform these steps on every single one of your Skyminer nodes!


  • You need a SSH client like Putty on Windows to connect to the nodes (Linux/OSX users may just use the regular terminal/console)
  • You need to know the user credentials of each node
  • Each Skyminer node must have a working internet connection


  1. Access a node (try the manager node first) as user pi or root via the terminal (for Linux or Mac): ssh pi@your-node-ip or using putty if you are on Windows and enter the password
  2. Modify Skywire's environment path file on the nodes and manager, edit the environment path file via: sudo nano /etc/default/skywire
  3. Locate the old discovery address, erase it and paste the new discovery address (refer to the top of this post to identify each one, and see below for an example)
  4. Once you made the change press 'ctrl+x' and then 'y' and hit enter to confirm and save the changes you made
  5. Modify Skywire's systemd units on the nodes and manager, edit the service files via: sudo nano $GOPATH/src/
  6. Locate the old discovery address, erase it and paste the new discovery address environment path variable ${DISCOVERY_ADDR}
  7. Once you made the change press 'ctrl+x' and then 'y' and hit enter to confirm and save the changes you made
  8. Reboot the node: sudo reboot

If everything goes well you will be kicked from the terminal SSH session. Please continue with the next node and repeat these steps. Once you've performed the steps on all nodes, login to your manager and check if all of your nodes display a green status LED thus being connected and you are done. Manual confirmation of your nodes being online can be achieved by following the steps of the Online Status Verification User Guide and replacing with


Your original /etc/default/skywire file's relevant lines look like the following:


Modified lines must look like this:


Your original node_start file's relevant lines look like the following:

# start routine only node
cd ${GOPATH}/bin/
nohup ./skywire-node -connect-manager -manager-address ${MANAGER_IP}:5998 -manager-web ${MANAGER_IP}:8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001  > /dev/null 2>&1  &
echo $! > "${Node_Pid_FILE}"

Modified lines must look like this:

# start routine only node
cd ${GOPATH}/bin/
nohup ./skywire-node -connect-manager -manager-address ${MANAGER_IP}:5998 -manager-web ${MANAGER_IP}:8000 -discovery-address ${DISCOVERY_ADDR} -address :5000 -web-port :6001  > /dev/null 2>&1  &
echo $! > "${Node_Pid_FILE}"

Raspberry Pi Skyminer Setup For Noobs

Taken from our user forum

Please recall that you must perform these steps on every single one of your Skyminer nodes!


  • You need a SSH client like Putty on Windows to connect to the nodes (Linux/OSX users may just use the regular terminal/console)
  • You need to know the user pi credentials to login to each node


  1. Access a node (try the manager node first) as user pi via the network: ssh pi@your-node-ip and enter the password
  2. Change to the Skywire folder: cd /home/pi/go/src/
  3. Clean any local modified files and reset to default version: git checkout master && git reset --hard && git clean -f -d
  4. Update Skywire to the latest version: git pull
  5. Compile and install the latest changes in the sources: cd cmd && go install ./...
For the manager node
  1. Locate and edit the file '', issuing this command will suffice: cd ~/ && nano
  2. Locate the old discovery address, erase it and paste the new discovery address (refer to the top of this post to identify each one, and see below for an example)
  3. Once you made the change press 'ctrl+x' and then 'y' and hit enter to confirm and save the changes you made
  4. Reboot the node: sudo reboot
For the rest of the nodes
  1. Locate and edit the file '', issuing this command will suffice: cd ~/ && nano
  2. Locate the old discovery address, erase it and paste the new discovery address (refer to the top of this post to identify each one, and see below for an example)
  3. Once you made the change press 'ctrl+x' and then 'y' and hit enter to confirm and save the changes you made
  4. Reboot the node: sudo reboot

If everything goes well you will be kicked from the terminal SSH session. Please continue with the next node and repeat these steps. Once you've performed the steps on all nodes, login to your manager and check if all of your nodes display a green status LED thus being connected and you are done. Manual confirmation of your nodes being online can be achieved by following the steps of the Online Status Verification User Guide and replacing with


Your original lines in which are relevant to this change look like this ("some_ip_here" refers to your manager ip address: don't change it!)

#Start Primary Node
cd /home/pi/go//bin
nohup ./node -connect-manager -manager-address some_ip_here:5998 -manager-web some_ip_here:8000 -discovery-address discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001 > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $! >

Modified lines must look like this:

#Start Primary Node
cd /home/pi/go//bin
nohup ./node -connect-manager -manager-address some_ip_here:5998 -manager-web some_ip_here:8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001 > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $! >

Your original lines in which are relevant to this change look like this ("some_ip_here" refers to your manager ip address: don't change it!)

cd /home/pi/go/bin
nohup ./node -connect-manager -manager-address "some_ip_here":5998 -manager-web "some_ip_here":8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001 > /dev/null 2>&1 &  

Modified lines must look like this:

cd /home/pi/go/bin
nohup ./node -connect-manager -manager-address "some_ip_here":5998 -manager-web "some_ip_here":8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001 > /dev/null 2>&1 &  

DIY Miner - A Complete Guide For Hardware/Software Configuration

Taken from:

Please recall that you must perform these steps on every single one of your Skyminer nodes!


  • You need a SSH client like Putty on Windows to connect to the nodes (Linux/OSX users may just use the regular terminal/console)
  • You need to know the user root credentials of each node
  • Each Skyminer node must have a working internet connection


  1. Access a node (try the manager node first) as user pi via the network: ssh pi@your-node-ip and enter the password
  2. Change to root: sudo bash
  3. Change to the Skywire folder: cd $GOPATH/src/
  4. Clean any local modified files and reset to default version: git checkout master && git reset --hard && git clean -f -d
  5. Update Skywire to the latest version: git pull
  6. Compile and install the latest changes in the sources: cd cmd && go install ./...
  7. Modify Skywire's systemd units on the nodes (not manager), edit the service file via: nano /etc/systemd/system/skynode.service
  8. Locate the old discovery address, erase it and paste the new discovery address (refer to the top of this post to identify each one, and see below for an example)
  9. Once you made the change press 'ctrl+x' and then 'y' and hit enter to confirm and save the changes you made
  10. Reboot the node: sudo reboot

If everything goes well you will be kicked from the terminal SSH session. Please continue with the next node and repeat these steps. Once you've performed the steps on all nodes, login to your manager and check if all of your nodes display a green status LED thus being connected and you are done. Manual confirmation of your nodes being online can be achieved by following the steps of the Online Status Verification User Guide and replacing with


Your original skywire.service file's relevant lines look like the following ("some_ip_here" refers to your manager ip address: don't change it!)

Environment="GOPATH=/root/go" "GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin"
ExecStart=/root/go/bin/skywire-node -connect-manager -manager-address ip_of_manager:5998 -manager-web ip_of_manager:8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001

Modified lines must look like this:

Environment="GOPATH=/root/go" "GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin"
ExecStart=/root/go/bin/skywire-node -connect-manager -manager-address ip_of_manager:5998 -manager-web ip_of_manager:8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001

Ronny’s Cheap Man’s Skyminer a Skyminer for only 40 bucks in less than 1 hour

Taken from here:

If you didn't update your setup after following Ronny's guide it's time to do it as the following is based on the updated version of this DIY miner. Please follow the link for more information.

The steps of this guide are just for one singular node that runs both, the node & the manager. A Raspberry Pi servers as SBC platform.


  • You need a SSH client like Putty on Windows to connect to the nodes (Linux/OSX users may just use the regular terminal/console)
  • You need to know the user pi credentials to get into the node
  • Each Skyminer node must have a working internet connection


  1. Access the node as user pi via the network: ssh pi@your-node-ip and enter the password
  2. Change to root: sudo bash
  3. Change to the Skywire folder: cd $GOPATH/src/
  4. Clean any local modified files and reset to default version: git checkout master && git reset --hard && git clean -f -d
  5. Update Skywire to the latest version: git pull
  6. Compile and install the latest changes in the sources: cd cmd && go install ./...
  7. Modify Skywire's start script open it for edit: nano /etc/init.d/
  8. Locate the old discovery address, erase it and paste the new discovery address (refer to the top of this post to identify each one, and see below for an example)
  9. Once you made the change press 'ctrl+x' and then 'y' and hit enter to confirm and save the changes you made
  10. Reboot the node: sudo reboot

If everything goes well you will be kicked from the terminal SSH session. Please continue with the next node and repeat these steps. Once you've performed the steps on all nodes, login to your manager and check if all of your nodes display a green status LED thus being connected and you are done. Manual confirmation of your nodes being online can be achieved by following the steps of the Online Status Verification User Guide and replacing with


Your original file's relevant lines look as follows:

cd $GOPATH/bin
./skywire-node -connect-manager -manager-address :5998 -manager-web :8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001 &> /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "Skywire monitor started."

The modified lines must look like this:

cd $GOPATH/bin
./skywire-node -connect-manager -manager-address :5998 -manager-web :8000 -discovery-address -address :5000 -web-port :6001 &> /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "Skywire monitor started."
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