The executables, configs, and libraries in bin-linux_x64
and lib-linux_x64
has been compiled on an EC2 with the amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170812-x86_64-gp2
AMI (this is AWS Lambda's execution AMI as of 2017/09/21).
Below are notes on how we obtained these binaries.
You will need
- an EC2 instance with the latest AWS Lambda's execution environment, i.e., the same AMI.
- to do
sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
for compiling some of the binaries from source - Python 3.6 is not yet available on the AWS Lambda AMI, so we need to install it from source: see instructions here.
We use pip to install Python packages in our virtual environment, then copy them to our lib:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
rm -rfv lib-linux_x64/{aiobotocore,aiohttp,async_timeout,certifi,chardet,docx,idna,multidict,odf,packaging,pptx,,requests,urllib3,uriutils,wrapt,xlrd}
cp -varu venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/{aiobotocore,aiohttp,async_timeout,certifi,chardet,docx,idna,multidict,odf,packaging,pptx,,requests,urllib3,uriutils,wrapt,xlrd} ./lib-linux_x64
find lib-linux_x64/ -name \*.pyc -exec rm -v {} \;
find lib-linux_x64/ -name __pycache__ -exec rmdir {} \;
We use pdftotext
to extract text directly from PDF files, specifically, we use the variant provided by Poppler.
The poppler variant is still being developed and it does not respect DRMs.
sudo yum -y install openjpeg-devel libjpeg-devel fontconfig-devel libtiff-devel libpng-devel
curl | tar xJv
cd poppler-0.59.0/ && ./configure --enable-static --enable-build-type=release && make && cd ..
rm -rfv text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/pdftotext
mkdir text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/pdftotext
cp /usr/lib64/{,,,,,,} text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/pdftotext/
cp /lib64/{,} text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/pdftotext/
cp poppler-0.59.0/poppler/.libs/ text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/pdftotext/
cp poppler-0.59.0/utils/.libs/{pdftotext,pdfinfo,pdfseparate} text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/
is used to get the number of pages of the PDF file.
is used to get the individual pages in PDF format.
(DEPRECATED) This version is the original Xpdf one which respects DRM permissions. Tsk.
We use pdftotext
to extract text directly from PDF files. pdftotext
is based on Xpdf.
curl | tar xzv
cp xpdfbin-linux-3.04/bin64/pdftotext text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/
Ghostscript is used for splitting PDF files into individual image pages.
curl -L | tar xzv
cp ghostscript-9.21-linux-x86_64/gs-921-linux-x86_64 text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/gs
Antiword handles Office 97 formats.
curl | tar xzv
cd antiword-0.37 && make
cd ..
cp antiword-0.37/antiword text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/
cp -r antiword-0.37/Resources text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/antiword
catdoc is used for handling old format Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files. It seems to be more robust than antiword and will be used as a fallback option.
curl | tar xzv
patch catdoc-0.95/src/catdoc.c < text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/catdoc_customrc.patch
patch catdoc-0.95/src/catppt.c < text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/catppt_customrc.patch
cd catdoc-0.95 && ./configure && make && cd ..
cp catdoc-0.95/src/{catdoc,catppt} text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/
We patched the source code to read catdoc rc file from an environment variable instead of from fixed paths in the system.
Note: catppt
doesnt seem to work as of 2017/08/10.
UnRTF is a command-line program written in C which can convert documents in Rich Text Format (.rtf) to text.
curl | tar xzv
cd unrtf-0.21.9 && ./configure && make
cp unrtf-0.21.9/src/unrtf text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/
cp -r unrtf-0.21.9/outputs text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/unrtf
Tesseract is an OCR tool for converting images to text. We more or less followed instructions from here. We are using Tesseract 3.05.
sudo yum -y install libtool
sudo yum -y install libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel zlib-devel
curl | tar xzv
cd leptonica-1.74.4 && ./configure && make && sudo make -j 4 install && cd ..
curl -L | tar xzv
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
cd tesseract-3.05/ && ./ && ./configure && make && sudo make -j 4 install && cd ..
mkdir text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract
cp /usr/local/lib/{,} text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/
cp /lib64/ text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/
cp /usr/lib64/{,,,} text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/
cp /usr/local/bin/tesseract text-extractor/bin-linux_x64/
mkdir text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/tessdata
curl -L | tar xzv
cp tessdata-3.04.00/{eng.*,osd.traineddata} text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/tessdata/
cp tesseract-3.05/tessdata/eng.* text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/tessdata/
cp tesseract-3.05/tessdata/pdf.ttf text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/tessdata/
mkdir text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/tessdata/configs
cp tesseract-3.05/tessdata/configs/pdf text-extractor/lib-linux_x64/tesseract/tessdata/configs
lxml library is used for many of the XML formats. We use pip to setup the lxml module and then copy the relevant files into our lib:
sudo yum install libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel
pip install --upgrade lxml
rm -rfv lib-linux_x64/lxml
cp -vr venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/lxml lib-linux_x64/
find lib-linux_x64/lxml -name \*.pyc -exec rm -v {} \;
The current version of lxml is 4.0.0.
Pillow library is used by python-pptx for parsing Microsoft Powerpoint files.
pip install --upgrade pillow
rm -rfv lib-linux_x64/PIL
cp -var venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PIL lib-linux_x64/
find lib-linux_x64/PIL -name \*.pyc -exec rm -v {} \;
The current version of pillow is 4.2.1.
Note: This is currently not implemented.
Because PIL is quite huge and we cannot upload large code sizes to Lambda, we store PIL on S3 to be downloaded on use.
tar -cv -C lib-linux_x64/ PIL -O > test.tar | aws s3 cp - s3://assets-bucket/textractor/PIL.tar
PyPDF2 is a Python module which we use for basic manipulations of PDF files.
unzip 'PyPDF2-master/PyPDF2/*' -d .
mv PyPDF2-master/PyPDF2 lib-linux_x64/