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End of flight status proposal

Philippe-P edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

We use Skylines tracking more and more for XC paragliding in our club (augredelair). Of course, outlanding is part of the game ;-) However, people following flights on screens quite regularly get nervous when seeing a non-moving track, or worse, very little movements on the same area... Which could be outlanding, with our without problem.

To partially answer the question "is she/he OK?", what about adding an additional trigger in the code so that 3 optional buttons could be added on the app interfaces (on XCSoar, Skylinestracker, TopHat, whatever...)?

In addition to the "Quit" button, which abruptly stops tracking with no status information whatsoever, I am thinking of 3 choices/buttons (with confirmation asked...):

A green "OK", which would translate in a green circle on the last point of the track, letting people know that everything is fine;

An orange "So so", which would translate in an orange circle on the last point of the track, letting people know that some help would be welcome, but that their is no major problem;

A red "Help!", which would translate in a red circle on the last point of the track, letting people know that there is a major problem, and that urgent help is needed.

Of course, no network, no more battery (which could also be an information automatically sent when battery gets low), or abrupt quitting of the app would still result in an unknown status at the end of the track, but at least, most of the time, we could let people know how the flight ended!

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