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Troubleshooting Q&A

skylot edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 10 revisions

Out of memory problems:

Possible options when Jadx is running out of RAM:

  • Reduce processing threads count (-j option in CLI)
  • Before starting the decompilation open the preferences dialog and add packages you want to exclude from decompiling. The more classes you exclude the more you save.
  • Assign more RAM to Jadx:
    • command line (example for Linux): JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4G" jadx -j 1 some.apk
    • edit 'jadx' script (jadx.bat on Windows) and set bigger heap size: DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx2500M"
    • If you are on Windows and using jadx-gui.exe you can create a file next to the exe file named jadx-gui.l4j.ini and the content -Xmx6g. This will increase the memory available to Jadx.
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