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Troubleshooting Q&A

skylot edited this page Mar 20, 2022 · 10 revisions

Decompilation issues:

Jadx can't decompile 100% of code, so error can occur:

  1. /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump */
    In most cases, this mean that jadx can't restore code structure (correctly move instructions to blocks like if, for, etc.).
    Anyway, it is possible to view partially correct code by enabling option Show inconsistent code (--show-bad-code in jadx-cli).
    But be careful and always check this code with Smali of CFG dump (see below)

  2. // Method dump skipped, instructions count: ...
    Fallback dump is skipped for large methods, if you really want to view that dump change Code comments level (--comments-level) to debug.

  3. Decompiled code is incorrect
    If jadx is failed to correctly decompile - only way to check method code is to dump method control flow graph (CFG).
    For that enable Generate methods CFG graphs(--cfg) and/or more verbose fallback graph with Generate RAW CFG grapths(--raw-cfg).
    This will dump .dot file for every decompiled method in the current working dir with your file input name.
    To open/view these files, you can use one of GraphViz apps from here.

Out of memory problems:

Possible options when Jadx is running out of RAM:

Reduce processing threads count (-j option in CLI)

Exclude not needed packages:

  • Before starting the decompilation open in Jadx the Preferences dialog (menu File). Open the Excluded packages editor and add packages you want to exclude from decompiling
  • Also, you can use right click menu in packages tree to exclude a single package or open dialog to mark all not needed packages

The more classes you exclude, the more memory you save.

Common packages you can exclude: android.arch

Assign more RAM (e.g. 6GB) to Jadx:

  • Using the Jadx command-line version (Linux, Windows, ...)

Edit the script bin/jadx-gui or bin/jadx-gui.bat (Windows) and change the maximum heap memory from 4 (-Xmx4g) to e.g. 8 GB (-Xmx8g) by modifying the definition of DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS:

DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xms128M" "-Xmx8g" "-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd" "-Dswing.aatext=true" "-XX:+UseG1GC"'
  • Using the Jadx Exe version (Windows)

If you are on Windows and using jadx-gui.exe create a text-file jadx-gui.l4j.ini in the same directory jadx-gui.exe is located in. For a maximum 8 GB memory/heap edit the text file and set it's content to:


If you are using a unstable version or Jadx or if you have renamed jadx-gui.exe, you also have to adapt the .l4j.ini file-name as well.


Jadx file-name:        jadx-gui-1.1.0-b1279-2207cd7b.exe
Jadx config file name: jadx-gui-1.1.0-b1279-2207cd7b.l4j.ini.


  • High CPU usage of jadx-gui in background on macOS (possible issue in JVM check issues #1000 and #1413):
    • Disable memory usage bar: View->Show memory usage bar
    • Update JRE to the latest version
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