WARNING: This code is meant to drive you nuts!
Metaclasses change the way objects are created.
That is, instead of simply calling __init__()
something else might happen without you knowing it.
They are an ugly, incoherent, intransparent construct that exploits everything Python offers.
- writing an ORM like Django models or SQLAlchemy
- hijacking internal Python logic (e.g. like pytest does)
- emulating JavaScript-like objects (the Prototype pattern)
- showing off
- run the code
- admire what is happening
- try to understand what is happening
- return to 1
Here is the code
class CrazyMonkeyPack(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict):
cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
def wrapper(*args):
instance = []
for i in range(1, args[0]+1):
monkey = cls(f'monkey #{i}') # calls __init__
monkey.state = 'crazy' # monkey-patches the state attribute
return instance
return wrapper
class CrazyMonkeys(metaclass=CrazyMonkeyPack):
"""A self-expanding horde of monkeys"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.name} ({self.state})>"
monkeys = CrazyMonkeys(3) # calls __new__
print(monkeys) # see what happens!
Don't try this at work, unless
- you have excluded all alternatives
- you really know what you are doing
- you have talked to a developer more experienced than you