- renames asset-fingerprint fns
- path-with-fingerprint => add-fingerprint
- path-without-fingerprint => remove-fingerprint
- adds missing documentation
- updates dependencies
- adds joodo.middleware.rpc
- Joodo is a library, not a plugin
- Adds lein-template for joodo apps
- adds ring plugin to project.clj
- removes joodo/handler.clj and joodo/main.clj
- removes joodo/http package (was no longer used)
- removes lein-joodo plugin project
- moves pretty-map into chee
- renames env/development-env? to env/development? (same with production)
- updates dependencies compojure, ring-core, hiccup
- removes dependencies filecabinet, mmargs, ring-jetty-adapter
- removes controller/controller-router
- adds joodo.middleware.refresh/handler for reloadable handlers
- config/environment.clj does not get loaded anymore
- moves config and public into resources dir. Both are loaded as resources allowing apps to be deployed as jar files.
- add asset fingerprinting: joodo.middleware.asset-fingerprint
- adds should-redirect-after-post to controller spec-helper
- [chee] Refactors coerce specs; adds support for most primative Java types (@mylesmegyesi): #23
- Upgrades to Speclj 2.6.1
- Upgraded from Clojure 1.4.0 to 1.5.1
- generated project updated to work with lein2 on heroku cedar
- default bind address changed from to
- caches template files when not in development mode
- locale middleware accepts a prioritized list of locale augmenter functions
- locale middleware allows locale to be pulled from the cookies
- clears rendered-context in controller spec-helper
- updates all dependencies to latest version
- updates to speclj 2.3.4
- adds file-info and head middlewares by default
- removes Servlets and all Java code
- updates all dependencies
- updates generated code
- uses ring middleware instead of builtin middleware
- added a default middleware to avoid favicon requests to the app server
- spec-helpers.view/with-mock-render accepts a :strict option to fail when templates don't exist
- env changes to regular var instead of atom. Add alter-env! and set-env! to joodo.env.
- configuration loading moved to joodo.env.
- configuration :joodo.core.namespace renamed to :joodo.root.namespace
- changes default app.core to app.root for generated projects
- Upgraded to support leiningen 2 as well as leiningen 1.
- Upgraded from Clojure 1.2.* to 1.4.0