**17 Conferences Data Scientists Should Attend in 2018 and 2019
- Open Data Science Conference
[Topics Covered] - Topics covered at the conference also include machine learning, neural networks, social networks, graph analysis, text analysis, natural language processing, data visualization, Big data tools and Hadoop-based frameworks.
Location | London | San Fransisco | Boston Date | Sept 19-22, 2018 | Oct 31- Nov 3, 2018 | April 30 – May 3, 2019 Register: https://www.odsc.com
Predictive Analytics World
- The conference is suitable for both experts as well as beginners and includes topics such as customer relationship management, financial services, banking, insurance, e-commerce and government healthcare.
Location | Las Vegas, NV Date | June 16-20, 2019 Register: http://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/
Strata Data Conference
- Strata Data Conference is widely attended by professionals and data scientists from the field of Big data analysis. Attendees benefit from the experience of these industry professionals and data scientists.
Location | New York | San Francisco | London Date | Sep 11-13, 2018 | Mar 25-28, 2019 | Apr 29-May 2, 2019 Register: http://conferences.oreilly.com/strata
MLConf -The main focus of this conference is on bringing professionals and researchers from industries and universities and giving them a platform to share latest development, research, methodologies and practices.
Location | San Francisco Date | Nov 14, 2018 Register: http://mlconf.com
Data Conference
- The Data Conference focuses on bringing together people interested in databases, data warehousing, data managing and data security.
Location | Prague, Czech Republic Date | July 26-28, 2019 Register: http://www.dataconference.org/
Big Data Analytics Tokyo
- Big Data Analytics Tokyo is a meeting place for data science and data analytics related startups with Japanese companies. These companies usually come with the intention of either partnering with these startups or investing in them.
Location | Tokyo, Japan Date | Oct 22-26, 2018 Register: www.bigdatacon.jp
IBM think 2019
- IBM think is the combination of IBM conferences such as World of Watson, Amplify, Connect, Edge and InterConnect into one mega event. Theses conferences used to cover topics such as artificial intelligence, big data, IoT and security and which will now be covered in IBM think.
Location | Las Vegas, USA Date | Feb 12-15, 2019 Register: https://www.ibm.com/events/think/index.html
TDWI Orlando Conference
- This is another learning conference by TDWI. Its purpose is to bring together experts in the field of big data and analytics and share latest technology trends and implementation strategies.
Location | Orlando, USA Date | Nov 11-16, 2018 Register: https://tdwi.org/events/conferences/orlando/home.aspx
Data Disrupt
- Topics discussed will include how big data, data sources, new analytic techniques and technologies affect the financial sector. Businesses in the financial sector that will be the main focus of attention will include commercial finance, capital markets consumer finance and investment management and how data analytics affects them.
Location | New York, USA Date | June 4-5, 2019 Register: http://www.datadisrupt.com/
- PyData provides a platform to users and developers of data analysis tools to come together and discuss, share and brainstorm new ideas and problems related to the data science and data analytics field.
Location | Los Angeles, USA | Karlsruhe, Germany | Washington DC, USA Date | Oct 21-28, 2018 | Oct 24-28, 2018 | Nov 16-18, 2018 Register: https://pydata.org/index.html
Data Science Salon
- Data Science Salon is a conference that brings together professionals, experts, developers and executives from various fields. These fields can range from media and entertainment to finance and health technology. The main topics of focus that are discussed are machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Location | Miami, USA | Austin, USA Date | Nov 6-7, 2018 | Feb 20, 2019 Register: https://datascience.salon
Domino Data Science Pop-Up
- Domino Data Science Pop-Up organizes a number of talks and workshops on data science. Its main focus is on data science applications related to financial and insurance services.
Location | Chicago, USA | Boston, USA | Charlotte, USA Date | Oct 30, 2018 | Nov 6, 2018 | Nov 13, 2018 Register: https://popup.dominodatalab.com
Gartner Data & Analytics Summit
- The summit will afford you an opportunity to build on the fundamentals of data management, business intelligence, and analytics; harness innovative technologies such as AI, blockchain and IoT; and accelerate the shift toward a data-driven culture to lead the way to better business outcomes.
Location | Frankfurt, Germany | Sydney, AUS | London, UK | Orlando, USA Date | Oct 23-24, 2018 | Feb 18-19, 2019 | Mar 4-6, 2019 | Mar 18-21, 2019 Register: https://www.gartner.com/events/calendar/bi.jsp
IEEE ICDM 2018 - IEEE International Conference For Data Mining has established itself as one of the biggest conferences on data mining with its main focus on latest technologies and the role of big data in businesses. Topics covered include data mining, algorithms, software systems and applications.
Location | Singapore
Date | Nov 17-20, 2018
Register: http://icdm2018.org/
- rstudio::conf focuses on data science with respect to R and RStudio. Three different conferences will be available. One conference will focus on basics of data science with R. The second conference will talk about advance topics and is for advanced users of RStudio. The third conference will discuss real world problems and their solutions.
Location | Austin Date | Jan 15-18, 2019 Register: https://www.rstudio.com/conference/
2018 Dataworks Summit
- Summit will feature talks from leading experts in the field of data science and business leaders who will share their insights, real-world use cases and their success stories. The summit will provide opportunity to the attendees to interact with speakers and share their own ideas.
Location | Melbourne, AUS | Barcelona, Spain | Washington DC, US Date | Nov 09, 2018 | Mar 18-21, 2019 | May 20-28, 2019 Register: https://dataworkssummit.com
NIPS | 2018
- The Thirty-second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) is a multi-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers.
Location | Montreal, Canada Date | December 3, 2018 to December 8, 2018 Register : https://nips.cc/
Good Hunting !!