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Support: Requirements

Joseph Lenox edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 19 revisions

Stub page to capture the general and specific requirements for printing support material. Every statement with a bolded shall or shall not represents a testable requirement.

  • Support material contact area with printbed shall have a minimum length and a minimum defined width.
    • Support material generation shall adhere to the minimum and maximum widths.
  • Support material shall be generated for all areas that contain unsupported perimeters, if support_material_enable == True for that area.
    • Unsupported perimeters shall be defined as having overhang_percentage or more of the perimeter width that does not have another extrusion type directly below.
  • The distance from the top of the support to the bottom of the supported structure shall be defined as contact_distance_z.
    • contact_distance_z represents the real gap between the top of the generated support and the desired bottom of the above (bridging) layer.
    • contact_distance_z of 0 is useful for soluable supports.
    • Note: contact_distance_z + nozzle_diameter is the distance from the top of the bridging layer to the top of the support.
  • The bottom interface of support material with another extrusion beneath it shall be separated by a distance of bottom_interface_z from the top of the underlying extrusion.
    • bottom_interface_z values are to promote removal of support base from another printed layer.
  • Intermediate support material (between interfaces) shall be extruded at a layer height of maximum_support_layer_height.
    • maximum_support_layer_height shall have a default value equal to nozzle_diameter * 0.8.