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Benchmark Characterization

Code Size Statistics

The following metrics characterize the size of the benchmarks. The numbers are based on the SOMns benchmark implementations, but should be similar to the numbers one would measure for the other languages.

Executed Lines of Code

Compared to the classic notion of lines of code (LOC), we count only lines of code that have been executed at least once to measure the dynamic size of the program instead of its static size.


The number of classes includes only classes of which at least one method was executed. It is stable across languages with the exception of JavaScript which does not use classes in the version of the language used for this work.

Executed Methods

Similar to counting executed LOC, we count methods that have been executed at least once.

Per Iteration Methods

In addition to executed methods, we further distinguish methods that are executed for each benchmark iteration. Thus, we separate out code that was only executed once during startup or shutdown. The number of per iteration methods indicates the methods that get likely compiled during benchmarking.

Executed Lines Classes Executed Methods Per Iteration Methods
CD 356 16 43 41
DeltaBlue 387 20 99 75
Havlak 421 18 110 87
Json 232 14 56 56
Richards 279 12 47 47
Bounce 42 5 11 11
List 30 2 9 9
Mandelbrot 39 0 2 2
NBody 105 3 14 14
Permute 33 3 13 13
Queens 36 3 13 13
Sieve 22 3 9 9
Storage 23 4 10 10
Towers 42 2 12 12

Dynamic Metrics

The dynamic metrics characterize the behavior of the benchmarks in more detail.

Method Calls

For method calls, we count at each call site, i.e., the lexical point in the program where a call is made, the number of different receiver types, as well as the number of different target methods that were activated at that point. The number of target methods should always be smaller or equal to the number of different receiver types.

Operators such as + or * are excluded from the method call count.

Observed receiver polymorphism, i.e., different observed receiver types/classes:

Num.Rcvrs Call Sites Calls
CD 1 166 75,892,212
  2 3 23,151,272
DeltaBlue 1 171 6,219,974
  2 8 480,130
  3 8 3,576,416
  4 7 840,146
Havlak 1 256 79,581,122
  2 3 2,720,556
Json 1 163 32,115,418
  5 2 678,200
Richards 1 108 95,521,018
  2 2 10,000
Bounce 1 31 17,736,018
List 1 28 17,271,018
Mandelbrot 1 10 16
NBody 1 38 8,500,102
Permute 1 25 51,982,018
Queens 1 28 29,088,018
Sieve 1 19 60,018
Storage 1 23 32,774,018
Towers 1 27 39,390,018

Observed target polymorphism, i.e., different activated methods:

Num.Targets Call Sites Calls
CD 1 166 75,892,212
  2 3 23,151,272
DeltaBlue 1 180 6,892,136
  2 10 936,150
  3 4 3,288,380
Havlak 1 257 80,439,690
  2 2 1,861,988
Json 1 165 32,793,618
Richards 1 110 95,531,018
Bounce 1 31 17,736,018
List 1 28 17,271,018
Mandelbrot 1 10 16
NBody 1 38 8,500,102
Permute 1 25 51,982,018
Queens 1 28 29,088,018
Sieve 1 19 60,018
Storage 1 23 32,774,018
Towers 1 27 39,390,018
Closure Applications

Similar to method calls, we measure the number of lexical closures observed at a closure application site. A closure application site is the lexical point where a closure is executed.

Num.Targets Sites Activations
CD 1 2 1,345,202
  2 1 677,440
  3 1 872,694
  8 1 2,638,378
DeltaBlue 1 13 336,022
  2 1 82
  3 1 447,442
  8 2 7,984,628
Havlak 1 1 531,748
  2 1 1,701,912
  3 1 2,664,704
  6 1 1,324
  9 2 13,571,016
Json 2 3 2,070,004
Richards 1 1 7,600
  2 1 202
  3 1 1,869,402
  4 1 13,158,000
Bounce 1 2 15,300,000
  2 2 15,303,002
  3 1 15,453,002
List 1 1 3,002
  2 1 3,002
Mandelbrot 1 2 4
NBody 1 2 2,500,012
  2 1 2,500,010
  7 1 10,500,042
Permute 1 2 10,090,000
  2 2 16,004
Queens 1 1 960,000
  2 1 2,002
  4 1 18,502,002
Sieve 1 1 30,000,000
  2 1 6,002
  3 1 60,000,002
Storage 1 2 21,840,000
  2 2 10,924,004
Towers 1 2 18,002
  2 1 1,202
Maximum Stack Height

As an indication for the recursive behavior, we measure the maximal observed stack height, i.e., the number of method activations on the runtime stack.

Max Stack Height
CD 35
DeltaBlue 37
Havlak 1717
Json 43
Richards 31
Bounce 30
List 37
Mandelbrot 15
NBody 24
Permute 44
Queens 56
Sieve 26
Storage 75
Towers 34

We count loops that have been activated at least once. Furthermore, we count the number of times a loop body has been executed.

Loops Iterations
CD 7 2,314,044
DeltaBlue 6 348,403
Havlak 8 4,397,585
Json 6 1,220,001
Richards 3 1,246,401
Bounce 1 78,001
List 2 4,213,501
Mandelbrot 3 250,501
NBody 1 1,750,008
Permute 2 3,621,001
Queens 1 1,171,001
Sieve 2 2,013,001
Storage 1 1,365,001
Towers 2 601

We count the number of control flow branches that have been taken at least once. This includes if-branches, but also operations that have control flow semantics such as short-cutting or and and operators where the right-hand expression is executed conditionally. Furthermore, we count how often each branch is taken. The reported branch bias ratio is calculated with max(#true, #false) / (#true + #false).

Branches Activations Bias
CD 96 106,182,895 0.81
DeltaBlue 65 6,824,975 0.87
Havlak 64 26,401,446 0.89
Json 69 19,359,103 0.89
Richards 37 102,788,003 0.76
Bounce 12 45,306,003 0.95
List 12 63,699,003 0.95
Mandelbrot 13 17,360,098 0.99
NBody 7 7,000,031 0.96
Permute 9 17,328,003 0.87
Queens 10 21,353,003 0.97
Sieve 9 80,220,003 0.98
Storage 8 12,288,003 0.94
Towers 11 14,762,403 0.93
Control Flow Statistics Overview

As an overview of the control flow metrics, the following plot aggregates these metrics and puts them into relation to each other.

plot of chunk control-flow-stats


We track the number of arrays created as well as their overall size. Furthermore, we track the number of objects created and the number of declared fields.

Array allocations:

Allocation Sites #Arrays Total Length
CD 2 142,230 8,331,250
DeltaBlue 5 108,214 645,645
Havlak 12 1,639,424 68,619,384
Json 3 102,600 4,867,400
Richards 1 900 3,800
Bounce 1 1,500 150,000
List 0 0 0
Mandelbrot 0 0 0
NBody 1 1 5
Permute 1 1,000 6,000
Queens 1 40,000 480,000
Sieve 1 3,000 15,000,000
Storage 2 5,461,000 27,880,000
Towers 1 600 1,800

Object allocations:

Allocation Sites #Objects Total Requested Slots
CD 23 5386959 14462908
DeltaBlue 22 180051 696158
Havlak 23 2692930 8234883
Json 18 379800 585200
Richards 17 2700 12900
Bounce 11 151500 601500
List 10 46500 93000
Mandelbrot 9 0 0
NBody 11 6 36
Permute 9 0 0
Queens 9 0 0
Sieve 9 0 0
Storage 10 1000 1000
Towers 10 8400 16800
Object Field Accesses

We count object field reads and writes that were executed at least once. Furthermore, we report the number of accesses per iteration.

Read Sites Write Sites Read Sites (per iter) Write Sites (per iter) Reads Writes Read Ratio
CD 233 35 229 35 140,991,969 6,273,733 0.96
DeltaBlue 206 40 192 39 20,072,860 2,772,733 0.88
Havlak 198 37 195 37 57,408,095 4,648,016 0.93
Json 93 9 89 9 35,697,206 8,677,601 0.80
Richards 138 46 135 46 217,152,006 59,662,901 0.78
Bounce 25 12 22 12 63,342,006 19,878,001 0.76
List 16 2 13 2 57,337,506 46,501 1.00
Mandelbrot 9 1 6 1 6 1 0.86
NBody 71 13 68 13 58,000,196 18,750,004 0.76
Permute 16 4 13 4 48,974,006 8,662,001 0.85
Queens 20 5 17 5 33,990,006 40,001 1.00
Sieve 10 1 7 1 3,006 1 1.00
Storage 16 4 13 4 19,116,006 9,558,001 0.67
Towers 19 6 16 6 39,198,006 14,753,401 0.73
Array Accesses

We count the sites of array reads and writes that were executed at least once. Furthermore, we count the number of array reads and writes per iteration.

Read Sites Write Sites Read Sites (per iter) Write Sites (per iter) Reads Writes Read Ratio
CD 3 2 3 2 1,417,988 1,299,498 0.522
DeltaBlue 11 5 9 4 2,324,180 571,777 0.803
Havlak 23 20 23 20 10,182,376 5,814,705 0.637
Json 4 5 4 5 15,900 976,100 0.016
Richards 2 4 2 4 4,254,500 935,200 0.820
Bounce 1 1 1 1 7,500,000 150,000 0.980
List 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
Mandelbrot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
NBody 6 5 6 5 5,000,021 5 1.000
Permute 2 3 2 3 20,156,000 20,162,000 0.500
Queens 3 6 3 6 26,280,000 8,150,000 0.763
Sieve 1 2 1 2 14,997,000 48,207,000 0.237
Storage 0 1 0 1 0 5,460,000 0.000
Towers 2 2 2 2 9,837,600 9,837,600 0.500
Allocation and Access Overview

As an overview of allocation and access metrics, the following plot aggregates and relates them to each other.

plot of chunk alloc-and-access-stats

Variable Accesses

We report the number of sites of variable reads and writes that were executed at least once. This includes variables in methods and closures. Furthermore, we report the number of accesses per iteration.

Read Sites Write Sites Read Sites (per iter) Write Sites (per iter) Reads Writes Read Ratio
CD 951 108 741 101 404,216,779 67,134,708 0.86
DeltaBlue 958 74 615 59 48,705,206 3,536,888 0.93
Havlak 1040 74 836 67 234,331,616 18,823,992 0.93
Json 574 24 354 17 82,042,539 1,257,405 0.98
Richards 662 42 459 35 369,377,939 33,872,605 0.92
Bounce 296 24 113 17 204,171,039 34,446,005 0.86
List 264 18 85 11 152,236,539 62,626,505 0.71
Mandelbrot 260 44 72 36 126,081,387 44,021,453 0.74
NBody 413 37 225 30 193,750,718 25,750,123 0.88
Permute 281 15 95 8 245,888,039 18,745,005 0.93
Queens 288 14 100 7 203,489,039 10,353,005 0.95
Sieve 250 17 68 10 494,367,039 67,233,005 0.88
Storage 260 13 74 6 135,163,039 6,827,005 0.95
Towers 301 17 116 10 177,028,239 12,304,205 0.94
Basic Operations

Basic operations are also known as primitives or built-in functions. We include comparisons, arithmetic and bit operations, reading the size of strings or arrays, and string operations. Since the complexity of these operations range from simple integer additions, which can be mapped directly to a processor instruction, up to trigonometric functions, or string comparisons, which require complex algorithms, we categorize them in groups with similar properties.

These groups are defined as follows:

Operands Operations
ptr =, !=
bool, int <, >, =, <=, !=, >=
float <, >, =, <=, !=, >=
bool, int +, -, &, ^, !, <<, >>>
int *, /, %, rem
float +, -, *, /, round
float sin, cos, sqrt
str +, =, !=
str, arr length
str substring

The following plot gives an overview of the usage of these operations by the benchmarks.

plot of chunk basic-operations

The following table gives a numerical overview of the metrics.

Group Sites Activations (per iter.)
CD bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 15 42,267,119
  ptr: ==, != 11 4,598,236
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 14 3,648,020
  float: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 54 38,482,634
  float: +, -, *, //, round 71 32,199,022
  float: sin, cos, sqrt 5 272,527
  str/arr: length 4 940,957
  int: *, /, %, rem 1 2,509
  str: +, =, != 3 3
DeltaBlue bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 24 3,668,748
  ptr: ==, != 16 2,640,155
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 32 3,764,511
  str/arr: length 8 360,490
  int: *, /, %, rem 5 300,185
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Havlak bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 33 18,011,700
  ptr: ==, != 6 3,174,541
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 45 22,316,780
  str/arr: length 15 6,094,993
  int: *, /, %, rem 4 2,072
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Json bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 8 3,575,502
  ptr: ==, != 5 500
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 17 6,849,503
  str/arr: length 7 3,117,900
  int: *, /, %, rem 2 60,300
  str: +, =, != 45 13,536,203
  str: substring 2 2,848,100
Richards bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 11 10,001,402
  ptr: ==, != 14 36,578,700
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 14 22,839,803
  str/arr: length 1 900
  int: *, /, %, rem 2 999,900
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Bounce bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 6 37,806,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 16 29,431,503
  str/arr: length 1 76,500
  int: *, /, %, rem 5 1,200,000
  str: +, =, != 3 3
List bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 3 54,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 5 61,503
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Mandelbrot bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 8 9,065,196
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 14 9,447,050
  float: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 1 8,195,047
  float: +, -, *, //, round 14 66,311,876
  str: +, =, != 3 3
NBody bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 2 7,000,030
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 5 6,500,028
  float: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 1 1
  float: +, -, *, //, round 69 77,500,206
  float: sin, cos, sqrt 2 2,500,010
  str/arr: length 5 1,750,007
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Permute bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 4 17,328,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 7 22,365,003
  str/arr: length 1 1,000
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Queens bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 2 11,472,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 10 43,111,003
  str/arr: length 1 40,000
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Sieve bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 3 65,223,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 8 115,425,003
  str/arr: length 1 3,000
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Storage bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 3 12,288,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 8 28,670,003
  str/arr: length 1 1,365,000
  int: *, /, %, rem 2 8,192,000
  str: +, =, != 3 3
Towers bool, int: <, >, =, <=, <>, >= 5 9,771,002
  bool, int: +, -, &, <<, >>>, ^, ! 9 14,751,603
  str: +, =, != 3 3