It is expected that typical usage will involve passing qr-dataUrls or SMART Health Card (shc) strings to the main verify
function and getting decoded and verified results.
The library also contains more granular functions for dealing with individual 'artifacts' - the intermediate strings and objects representing the various tiers of encoding.
This 'low-level' API has four classes of functions:
Decodes artifacts to their decoded form.decode
does not perform any validation beyond what is required to decode the data. So don't assume decoded data is valid.
performs 'chaining' - meaning it recursively decodes resulting artifacts. -
Encodes artifacts to their encoded form.encode
does perform validation of the artifacts as it encodes them. Unlikedecode
does not perform 'chaining'. Encoding an artifact only performs that single step. -
Performs validation on an artifact.validate
does not perform any encoding or decoding. It only examines the specified artifact and logs errors/warning for invalid properties. -
Verifies the signature of the JSON Web Signature object. This requires the user to supply a directory or public key set.signature
may also create a signature for a JSON Web Token (JWT). This requires the user to supply a private signing key.
These functions have a similar calling signature:
- set the artifact on the Context object.
- call the function passing the Context object.
- examine the Context object for the results.
Note: some of the low-level functions are asynchronous. This is denoted with the await keyword in examples below.
This is essentially what the main verify()
function does
import { low, Context } from './src/index.js';
// create a new context
const context = new Context();
// set the qr property to a dataUrl representing the QR code image
context.qr = ' ...'; // truncated
// decode the QR code to shc, compact-jws, flat-jws, jws, etc... (see Context)
await smart.low.decode.qr(context);
// check the context for decoding errors
if(context.errors) {
// handle errors
// check the signature, we need a public keyset (or directory)
context.options = {
keys : [{ ... public JWK ...}];
await smart.low.signature.verify(context);
// check for signature errors
if(context.errors) {
// handle errors
// validate the decoded jws object as 'decode' only performs minimal validation
// check the context for validation errors
if(context.errors) {
// handle errors
// collect the result ...
const fhir = context.fhirBundle;
Note: see Context object for more information.
context.qr = ' ...';
await smart.low.decode.qr(context);
const result = context.shc;
context.shc = 'shc:/1234556...';
await smart.low.decode.shc(context);
const result = context.compact;
context.compact = 'eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiI ...';
const result = context.flat;
context.flat = { header: {...}, payload: {...}, signature: {...} };
const result = context.jws;
context.flat.header = 'eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiI ...';
const result = context.jws.header;
context.flat.payload = '3ZLLbtswEEV_JZhuZb2c2LF2dQr0sSgKNO0 ...';
const result = context.jws.payload;
context.flat.signature = 'XuJ0cGQ88PmT5drNtymbZiAA7VB ...';
const result = context.jws.signature;
context.qr = ' ...';
await smart.low.validate.qr(context);
const errors = context.errors;
context.shc = 'shc:/1234556...';
const errors = context.errors;
context.compact = 'eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJOiJFUzI1NiI ...';
const errors = context.errors;
context.flat = { header: '', payload: '', signature: '' };
const errors = context.errors;
context.flat.header = 'eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJhbGczI1NiI ...';
const errors = context.errors;
context.flat.payload = '3ZLLbtswEEV_JZhuZb2c2LF2dQr0sSgKNO0 ...';
const errors = context.errors;
context.flat.signature = 'XuJ0cGQ88PmT5drNtymbZiAA7VB ...';
const errors = context.errors;
context.jws = { header: {...}, payload: {...}, signature: {...} };
const errors = context.errors;
context.fhirBundle = {...};
const errors = context.errors;
context.shc = 'shc:/1234556...';
await smart.low.encode.shc(context);
const result = context.qr;
context.compact = 'eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiI ...';
await smart.low.encode.jws.compact(context);
const result = context.shc;
context.flat = { header: '', payload: '', signature: '' };
const result = context.compact;
context.jws.header = 'eyJ6aXAiOiJERUYiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiI ...';
const result = context.flat.header;
context.jws.payload = '3ZLLbtswEEV_JZhuZb2c2LF2dQr0sSgKNO0 ...';
const result = context.flat.payload;
context.jws.signature = 'XuJ0cGQ88PmT5drNtymbZiAA7VB ...';
const result = context.flat.signature;
context.jws = { header: {...}, payload: {...}, signature: {...} };
const result = context.flat;
context.fhirBundle = {...};
context.options = { iss: '<issuer public key url>' };
const result = context.jws.payload;
// Signature Verification
const keys: [
kty: "EC",
kid: "3Kfdg-XwP-7gXyywtUfUADwBumDOPKMQx-iELL11W9s",
use: "sig",
alg: "ES256",
crv: "P-256",
x: "11XvRWy1I2S0EyJlyf_bWfw_TQ5CJJNLw78bHXNxcgw",
y: "eZXwxvO1hvCY0KucrPfKo7yAyMT6Ajc3N7OkAB6VYy8"
const context = new Context({keys});
context.shc = 'shc:/1234556...';
await smart.low.decode.shc(context);
await smart.low.signature.verify(context);
// Signature sign
const options = {
privateKey: { ... private JWK ... },
iss: '<issuer public key url>'
const context = new Context(options);
context.fhir = { ... fhir data ...};
smart.low.encode.fhir(context); // creates a new jws.payload
await smart.low.signature.sign(context);
const result = context.jwk; // new jwk with header, payload, and signature