The Directory class acts as both an approved list of trusted issuers and a store of issuer keys/revocation lists.
A Smart Health Card (SHC) may be created and signed by any private key. To ensure that a SHC is verified against only trusted issuers, a Directory class is available.
Once a Directory is instantiated, it works as a cache of issuer keys and revocation data.
Creating a directory will download the directory and perform a validation on the directory data. If there are download or validation errors, it will be recorded in the .errors
property of the resulting directory object.
The vci directory is a repository that provides a public directory of institutions issuing SMART Health Cards for COVID-19 vaccination and laboratory diagnostic testing records. VCI provides a daily directory snapshot
This will download the latest daily snapshot of the VCI directory and return a Directory instance that may be reused for multiple SHC verifications:
import { verify, Directory } from 'smart-health-card-decoder';
const vciDirectoryUrl = '';
const myDirectory = Directory.create(vciDirectoryUrl);
if(myDirectory.errors) {
// handle directory download or validation errors
const verificationResult = verify('shc:/0192938475...', myDirectory);
This will download the latest daily snapshot of the VCI directory and return a Directory instance. You may use this instance repeatedly to validate multiple SHCs.
import { verify, Directory } from 'smart-health-card-decoder';
const vciDirectory = Directory.create('vci');
const verificationResult = verify('shc:/0192938475...', vciDirectory);
You may create a directory from a list of issuer iss urls. For each issuers, their keys and revocation data will be downloaded and cached in the Directory.
import { verify, Directory } from 'smart-health-card-decoder';
const trustedIssuers = [
const myDirectory = Directory.create(trustedIssuers);
const verificationResult = verify('shc:/0192938475...', myDirectory);
You may define a directory
import { verify, Directory } from 'smart-health-card-decoder';
const directory = {
directory: "",
time: "2022-02-28T22:38:31Z",
issuerInfo: [
issuer: {
iss: '',
name: ''
keys: [
kty: "EC",
kid: "3Kfdg-XwP-7gXyywtUfUADwBumDOPKMQx-iELL11W9s",
use: "sig",
alg: "ES256",
crv: "P-256",
x: "11XvRWy1I2S0EyJlyf_bWfw_TQ5CJJNLw78bHXNxcgw",
y: "eZXwxvO1hvCY0KucrPfKo7yAyMT6Ajc3N7OkAB6VYy8",
crlVersion: 2 // crlVersion is optional for revocation support
crls: [{ // crls is optional for revocation support
kid: "3Kfdg-XwP-7gXyywtUfUADwBumDOPKMQx-iELL11W9s",
method: "rid",
ctr: 2,
rids: [
lastRetrieved: "2022-02-28T22:38:31Z",
// additional issuers
const myDirectory = Directory.create(directory);
const verificationResult = verify('shc:/0192938475...', myDirectory);
You may require directory data from more than one source. In this case, you can merge multiple directories into a single directory.
const vciDirectory = Directory.create('vci');
const myDirectory = Directory.create([""]);
const mergedDirectory = Directory.create([vciDirectory, myDirectory]);
Note: The merging process will handle duplicate issuer data in the following ways:
- Identical issuers, keys, crls, and rids will be combined into single instances.
- When data differs, the lists will be combined.
- When data versions can be determined (i.e. crlVersion, ctr, rid-timestamps), the older versions will be removed.