- Added RcppParallel cxxflags to makevars, needed for compatibility with Windows ARM64
- GitHub Actions added
- New package website
- Removed the unused argument 'h_rs' from the documentation of the function chech_inputs() (CRAN note).
- Fixed the CRAN check Additional Issues LTO warnings by avoiding the use of arma::cube in C++ code.
- Updated citation and references to incorporate Journal of Statistical Software publication.
- Fixed the error in boot_panel() when not performing union.
- Output slots added that store the details of the tests such as individual test statistics and selected lag lengths.
- Removed the deprecated test names.
- Fixed the error in order_of_integration() with boot_ur() test applied to single time series.
- Output slot added that stores te specifications of the tests.
- Visually differentiated test print output by making the name reflect the most important specifications.
- Forced normalisation of the signs of the eigenvectors calculated for DWB to ensure reproducability of results across OSes.
- Parallel computing via the RcppParallel package replaces OpenMP.
- Fixed order_integration() to allow for all possible tests.
- Added new functions boot_adf(), boot_ur(), boot_frd(), boot_sqt() and boot_panel() that replace the old functions boot_df(), iADFtest(), bFDRtest(), BQSTtest() and paneltest(). The old functions are still available in the package as deprecated functions.
- For additional clarity, new arguments names are used in the new functions.
- New adf() function added which implements the standard, non-bootstrap, augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test
- Added parallel loops using OpenMP.
- Added functions order_integration() to determine the order of integration of each time series in a dataset. In addition mult_diff() is added to difference the time series accordingly to eliminate stochastic trends, and plot_order_integration() is added to plot the found orders of integration.
- Added function plot_missing_values() to give a visual representation of the pattern of missing values in the data.
- Fixed an incorrect warning in check_inputs() function which was given whenever NAs were present and S(W)B was used, even if the dataset remained balanced.
- Fixed bug in check_inputs() function that also set bootstrap to be performed individually in the presence of NAs even if S(W)B was not used.
- Fixed bug/incorrect warning in BSQTtest() that incorrectly added another 0 to argument q even if one was present already.
- Fixed possibility of taking a too fine grid for argument q in BSQTtest() leading to duplicates. Duplicates are now removed with a warning given.
- Fixed bug in SB where the last l observations were excluded from resampling.
- Fixed bug in S(W)B where too short vector with ADF residuals was used (supplemented with zeros) in bootstrap.
First release; package available on CRAN.