In this game, two players compete using pieces of different colors. Assume:
- Player A holds white pieces.
- Player B holds black pieces.
- Player A plays first.
- The game is played on a grid of M rows and N columns.
- Players take turns dropping a piece into one of the columns.
- Each piece falls to the lowest available position in the chosen column.
- If a column is full, no further pieces can be dropped in that column.
- The graphical interface allows players to click any cell in a column, automatically placing the piece at the lowest available position in that column.
A player wins by aligning four or more of their pieces in any of the following directions:
- Horizontally
- Vertically
- Diagonally (both directions)
If neither player achieves this by the time the grid is completely filled, the game ends in a draw.
Some configurations of Connect-Four grids have perfect strategies that guarantee one player's victory. For example:
- On a 6x7 board, a well-known algorithm ensures that the first player (Player A) can force a win.
To prevent such deterministic outcomes and ensure meaningful evaluations, we have introduced enhanced rules for this game.
Randomized Grid Size:
- The grid's dimensions are randomly selected within the range [4, 12] for both width (columns) and height (rows).
- This introduces variability, as not all board sizes have pre-determined winning strategies.
Restricted Cells:
- After the grid is generated, one random cell is marked as a forbidden position, indicated by a red "X" on the board.
- Players cannot place a piece in this cell. If a piece is dropped into the column containing the forbidden position, the next available position is adjusted accordingly.
Bonus Cell
- In the bonus cell game mode, we create a random bonus cell on the board. The player who put piece on the bonus cell can immediately put a ban point for both players as a piece.
Given these modifications, the task of our agent is to develop a strategy that is adaptive and versatile.
The Upper Confidence Bounds for Trees (UCT) algorithm is a popular method for decision-making in environments such as games or planning problems. It is a key part of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and uses the exploration-exploitation trade-off to iteratively simulate moves and evaluate the potential of different actions.
In the UCT algorithm, the objective is to explore a decision tree and select the most promising moves based on the results of simulations. It works by balancing two main objectives:
- Exploration: Trying out different actions that have not been explored thoroughly to see their potential.
- Exploitation: Focusing on actions that have shown high rewards based on past experience.
This balance is managed using Upper Confidence Bounds (UCB), which quantifies the confidence in the estimated values of each action. UCT uses the UCB1 formula to select actions, which guides the algorithm toward promising parts of the tree while still exploring unvisited branches. The core components of the UCT algorithm involve the Tree Policy, Default Policy, and Backup functions, which are executed repeatedly during simulations to refine the decision tree.
function UCTSEARCH(s0)
Create the root node v0 from the state s0;
while there is remaining computation time do:
end while
return a(BESTCHILD(v0, 0));
function TREEPOLICY(v)
while the node v is not a terminal node do:
if v is expandable then:
return EXPAND(v)
v ← BESTCHILD(v, c)
return v
function EXPAND(v)
Choose an action a from the set of actions A(state(v)) that has not been chosen before;
Add a new child node v′ to node v such that state(v′) = f(state(v), a), action(v′) = a;
return v′
function BESTCHILD(v, c)
return argmaxv′ ∈ children of v (Q(v′) + c * √2 * ln(N(v)))
while s is not a terminal state do:
Randomly choose an action a from the set of actions A(s);
s ← f(s, a)
return the reward of the state s
function BACKUP(v, Δ)
while v ≠ NULL do:
N(v) ← N(v) + 1
Q(v) ← Q(v) + Δ
Δ ← −Δ
v ← parent(v)