A modified version of the CC-CEDICT Chinese-English dictionary created for my personal study ❄️
Uppercase and lowercase letters are used instead of numbers to represent the tones.
zheng1 zheng2 zheng3 zheng4 zheng5
ZHENG zhENG zheng ZHeng 'zheng
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
A aA a Aa 'a
Sorted by: medial - final - initial - tone - unicode
a / an / ang
e / en / eng
i / in /ing
o / ong
u / un
ia / ian / iang
ua / uan / uang
ie / ue / üe
ai / ei / ui / uai
ao / iong / uo / iao
iu / ou
m / r
So the dictionary starts with A - 'zha
, then AN - ZHan
, etc. Entries are only sorted by the first character; otherwise I have left them in CEDICT's default (Unicode) sort order.